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Distinguish two states with their priors probability

EDIT: This is a computer programming / coding exercise The states $\left|\psi\right>$ and $\left|\phi\right>$ are defined as $∣ϕ⟩=\cos(θ_ϕ)\left|0\right>+\sin(θ_ϕ) \left|1\right>$ with ...
Minh Triet's user avatar
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Prove the equality conditions in the triangle inequality $S(A,B)\ge |S(A)-S(B)|$ for the von Neumann entropy

The triangle inequality or Araki-Lieb inequality of the von Neumann entropy is $$ S(A,B)\ge|S(A)-S(B)| $$ this is proven by introducing a system $R$ which purifies systems $A$ and $B$. Applying ...
Sooraj Soman's user avatar
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How to show $T(\rho,\sigma)≥\sum_i|r_i − s_i|$ with $r_i,s_i$ eigenvalues of $\rho,\sigma$?

The proof of the Fannes' inequality replies on the formula $T(ρ, σ)≥\sum_i|r_i − s_i|$, where $r_i,s_i$ are the eigenvalues of $\rho,\sigma$, in the descending order. In the proof given in Box 11.2, ...
Sooraj Soman's user avatar
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In Schumacher’s noiseless channel coding theorem, how do we get the exponents in $|0\rangle ^{\otimes n(1−p)/2}|1\rangle ^{\otimes n(1−p)/2}$?

On pg. 55 in Nielsen and Chuang, it's said that: the $|0\rangle + |1\rangle$ product can be well approximated by a superposition of states of the form $|0\rangle ^{\otimes n(1−p)/2}|1\rangle ^{\...
Claire's user avatar
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Can all mixed states be written as a convex combination $\rho=\sum_j p_j |\psi_j\rangle\langle \psi_j|$?

States belonging to some space $\mathcal H$ can be described by density operators $\rho\in L(\mathcal H)$ that are positive and have trace one. Pure states are the ones that can be written as $\rho=|\...
Balter 90s's user avatar
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Why do we want the no error limit to be 1?

In a textbook by Nielsen and Chuang, there's the following paragraph: The idea of quantum data compression is that the compressed data should be recovered with very good fidelity. Think of the ...
Claire's user avatar
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How to understand intuitively the concavity of the binary entropy?

In Nielsen and Chuang's Quantum Computation and Quantum Information book, introducing the binary entropy, they gave an intuitive example about why binary entropy is concave: Alice has in her ...
Sherlock's user avatar
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How to prove that the mutual information is subadditive?

Let $\mathbf x=(x_1,...,x_n)$ and $\mathbf y=(y_1,...,y_n)$ be two vectors of random variables. To make things concrete, assume that Alice sends each component $x_j$ through a noisy channel to Bob, ...
user15135's user avatar
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Understanding the definition of entropy in the joint entropy theorem derivation

From section 11.3.2 of Nielsen & Chuang: (4) let $\lambda_i^j$ and $\left|e_i^j\right>$ be the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of $\rho_i$. Observe that $p_i\lambda_i^j$ and $\left|...
frank's user avatar
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In classical state discrimination, why does the trace distance quantify the probability of success?

Consider the following task: we are given a probability distribution $p_y:x\mapsto p_y(x)$ with $y\in\{0,1\}$ (e.g. we are given some black box that we can use to draw samples from either $p_0$ or $...
glS's user avatar
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Pure state ensembles achieving the Holevo $\chi$-quantity with at most $d^2$ states

Theorem 8.10 in Chapter 8 of Theory of Quantum Information asserts that the Holevo capacity of a quantum channel (between density operators on $\mathbb{C}^d$) can be achieved by an ensemble consisting ...
Condo's user avatar
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A question in classical and quantum information

Let $\rho, \sigma \in \mathfrak{D}(A)$ with $\operatorname{supp}(\rho) \subseteq \operatorname{supp}(\sigma),$ and spectral decomposition $$ \rho=\sum_{x} p_{x}\left|\psi_{x}\right\rangle\left\langle\...
299792458's user avatar
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von Neumann entropy in a limiting case

I am stuck with a question from the book Quantum theory by Asher Peres. Excercise (9.11): Three different preparation procedures of a spin 1/2 particle are represented by the vectors $\begin{pmatrix} ...
Shikhar Arora's user avatar
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Nielsen and Chuang ex 2.73

I've been trying to solve exercise 2.73 (p.g 105), and I'm not sure if i'v been overthinking it and the answer is as simple as i've described below or if I am missing something, or i'm just wrong! Ex ...
Sam Palmer's user avatar
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In the proof of the joint entropy theorem, why are $p_i\lambda_i^j$ the eigenvalues?

From section 11.3.2 of Nielsen & Chuang: (4) let $\lambda_i^j$ and $\left|e_i^j\right>$ be the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of $\rho_i$. Observe that $p_i\lambda_i^j$ and $\left|...
CFRedDemon's user avatar
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How do I calculate the von Neumann entropy of a pure one-qubit density matrix?

Let's say I have a pure state of the form: $$\psi = \sqrt{\frac{3}{9}} \lvert 0 \rangle + \sqrt{\frac{6}{9}} \lvert 1 \rangle$$ Then the density matrix representation would be: $$\rho = \psi \otimes \...
QuestionEverything's user avatar