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What are non-standard ways to describe the distance between states?

I understand that when comparing two arbitrary quantum states, one may use various measures to encapsulate the difference between states such as trace distance, fidelity or relative quantum entropy. I ...
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What is the quantum relative entropy between pure states?

Given two pure quantum state $\rho=|\psi_\rho\rangle\langle\psi_\rho\mid$ and $\sigma=\mid\psi_\sigma\rangle\langle\psi_\sigma\mid$ ($\rho\neq\sigma$). We know that the fidelity between quantum ...
m1rohit's user avatar
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Is the quantum min-relative entropy $D_{\min}(\rho\|\sigma)=-\log(F(\rho, \sigma)^2)$ or $D_{\min}(\rho\|\sigma)=-\log(tr(\Pi_\rho\sigma))$?

In John Watrous' lectures, he defines the quantum min-relative entropy as $$D_{\min}(\rho\|\sigma) = -\log(F(\rho, \sigma)^2),$$ where $F(\rho,\sigma) = tr(\sqrt{\rho\sigma})$. Here, I use this ...
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