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How to get historical calibration data for mthree (M3) from IBM Quantum devices?

I'm using mthree in Batch mode. A batch needs to be queued before it can be executed. The time when a batch was executed can be obtained from the IBM Quantum Platform site, so I would like to obtain ...
Y T's user avatar
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RuntimeJobFailureError: 'Unable to retrieve job result. Error code 1520; The instruction cost per qubit exceeds the system limit

I want to find two operands of multiplication result of 180. In another word, finding integer factors of 180. I'm using ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
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Understanding sources of error in 4-bit Grover's search on IBM QC

This question is similar to some others I've come across, related to why a 4-qubit implementation of Grover's search yields such poor results when run on the IBM QC compared to the 3-qubit case (...
eodabash's user avatar
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Does anyone have an idea about the execution power of IBM summit for VQE? I'd appreciate sources of papers as well for supercomputer execution

I'm trying to find the execution power of VQE in super computer and I want to know the factors of execution such as iterations, shots, convergence, etc. Please help me and also, I'd appreciate if ...
InnocentLlama's user avatar
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Seeking Quantum Algorithm Implemented on IBM's Accessible Quantum Computers

I am interested in leveraging IBM's quantum computers that are currently available for public access. Specifically, I am looking for an algorithm that has been successfully implemented on a real, ...
ali khosravi's user avatar
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Run Qiskit Finance Tutorial on IBMQ backend

I tried to implement the qiskit example for portfolio optimization and it works as described. However I am not able to change the backend to one of the IBMQ machines - and it's not clear to me if this ...
Jure Zakotnik's user avatar
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What are some good additional resources when taking IBM Qiskit course?

I am a undergrad comp sci major. I have committed myself to a neuroscience PhD, hopefully computational neuro. However, I recently came across quantum computing, and see that lots of resources are ...
diddyDANK's user avatar
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Performance of quantum annealing systems vs gate based ones

Quantum annealers like D-Wave can be used to solve Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) which is a NP Hard problem (see here) while gate based quantum computers, like the ones created by ...
antony paul's user avatar
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Are reset gates allowed on IBM quantum computers?

My circuit involves many "reset" gates. After running on the IBM real backend, the experiment status says "Failed" with error message that says: Failed - Unknown operation type ...
Deren  Liu's user avatar
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qiskit transpile taking forever to run while CPU usage near zero

I am using the following code to use IBM's quantum computer. My understanding is that it is required before circuits are passed to the real quantum computers as certain operations and instructions ...
Deren  Liu's user avatar
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IBMBackendValueError: number of circuits exceeds the maximum for this backend, 300

I am trying to run the QAOA on the IBMQ device. The QAOA circuit consists of 6 qubits, two layers. The number of total trainable parameters for the QAOA circuit is 14. The toy code is as follows: <...
Yang Qian's user avatar
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Low Fidelity In IBM Quantum Computers

I am just trying to calculate the highest fidelity of preparing GHZ states on IBM quantum computers and I run my circuit on qubits with the lowest readout error. However, I just obtain fidelity of the ...
physicino's user avatar
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Error while plotting the resulting distribution

I am using this code, as a test of my qiskit, but I am having errors on using the simulator Building the circuit We begin by importing Qiskit. from qiskit import * ...
Dilma David's user avatar
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Controlled Ry gate on IBM and IonQ basis gates

As far as I know the basis gates for IBM and IonQ are: IBM: ['cx', 'id', 'rz', 'x', 'sx'] IonQ: ['rx', 'ry', 'rz', 'rxx', 'id'] I used qiskit.transpile to see check how Controlled Ry gate can be ...
user20762126's user avatar
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IBMProvider.load_account() AttributeError: type object 'IBMProvider' has no attribute 'load_account'

I am trying to resolve the below deprecation warnings I am getting while using IBMQ framework. ...
Manu's user avatar
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How to calculate the state vector of a circuit using sampler().run()

I run a circuit using: jobCircuit = Sampler(backend).run(circuit) resultCircuit = jobCircuit.result() How can I access to a state vector of the circuit? I tried ...
alejandra's user avatar
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IBMQ import error

I am trying to import IBMQ from qiskit. But I encountered following error. ...
Priyam Bharadwaz's user avatar
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Is there a way to use a fake backend for ibm_brisbane?

Is there a way to use a fake backend for ibm_brisbane? I tried this but it is giving me the error that the backend is not present: ...
Amey Meher's user avatar
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Get the error of basis gates programmatically

I want to get the error rates of the basis gates of a backend. Is there a function that can achieve this functionality? For example, I want the error rates of the basis gates rx, cx of ibmq_mumbai ...
Amey Meher's user avatar
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QiskitBackendNotFoundError: 'No backend matches the criteria'

I am struggling with the QiskitBackendNotFoundError: 'No backend matches the criteria' even though I am able to see the backends available to me. ...
Manu's user avatar
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How the shots belonging to the same job are scheduled to run on IBM quantum devices?

How the shots belonging to the same job are scheduled to run on IBM quantum devices? Suppose my job has 1000 shots. Will all shots be executed in series, or is it possible they will be interleaved ...
Radu M.'s user avatar
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Interleaved Randomized Benchmarking experiment with custom PassManager

I have a custom PassManager, which calibrates a few gates in the circuit in the transpiler pass. I want to conduct an Interleaved Randomized Benchmarking experiment ...
Amey Meher's user avatar
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IBM quantum composer possible bug?(state amplitudes of quantum circuit)

I have this quantum circuit: and from the IBM quantum composer I get this state amplitudes: I wanted to flip the target qubit and keep only its pure state however this is not what I am getting.I am ...
Root Groves's user avatar
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How to represent the gates and the quibit states in the 'Hello Quantum' iOS game in IBM Quantum Learning graphical simulator

The Hello Quantum ios game developed by IBM has the X, Z, H and CZ gates manipulating a 2 qubit array (im not sure if array is the right word?). I want to know how I can represent the qubit states in ...
chickenj0's user avatar
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Is qiskit.pulse.SamplePulse deprecated?

I'm currently following along the book "Learn Quantum Computing with Python and IBM Quantum Experience" by Rodert Loredo and I am at chapter 8 - Generating pulse schedules on hardware. The ...
Johannes Jyrgenson's user avatar
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Quantum Annealing on IBMQ using Qiskit-Pulse

Qiskit-Pulse is the analog level control SDK of IBMQ hardware. Is it possible to implement an adiabatic annealing protocol/algorithm on IBMQ hardware using Qiskit-Pulse? Not asking about QAOA, which I ...
The Quantum Enthusiast's user avatar
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Frequency of qubits in qiskit simulators

I am trying to study the effect of dynamical decoupling sequences (Hahn Echo and CPMG) using qiskit's qasm_simulator with an added noise model from ...
Neelesh Vij's user avatar
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ZNE for mitigating errors in probability distribution results

Can ZNE be applied to mitigate errors for getting the probability distribution in the computational basis rather than mitigating errors for calculation of expectation values?
Amey Meher's user avatar
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Retrieving job result attributes in Qiskit

I am trying to optimize a Hamiltonian using QAOA in IBM Qiskit. I used the following 'minimize' function to get my result. (I am not including the whole code because it will get unnecessarily long). <...
Amrita P's user avatar
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In qubit phase tracking, does the phase $\delta$ have to be synchronized to the Larmor precession?

In many textbooks (e.g. LaPierre 2021 or Byrd 2022), when dealing with the physical implementation of quantum gates in spin qubits, Larmor precession is usually introduced first as a way to rotate the ...
jackphen's user avatar
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Running Pulse Schedules with different resilience levels

Is there a way to run a Pulse schedule with different resilience levels? I was thinking about passing the resilience level values in the options of Sampler primitive, but when I tried to run, it says ...
Amey Meher's user avatar
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Is it possible to do the transpilation with a priori retired devices?

Is it possible to do the transpilation with "any" device in qiskit? I would be interested in doing this with already retired devices.
user2820579's user avatar
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An unexpected result of the Implementation of a finding minimum values algorithm using a qRAM

Motivated by the article Quantum algorithm for finding minimum values in a Quantum Random Access Memory, I'm training to implement a simplified version of the proposed algorithm. But the output isn't ...
j__j's user avatar
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Are quantum simulation results more accurate than real IBMQ device results?

Getting two different results from simulation and rel IBMQ device. Which is more accurate?
mr coder's user avatar
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How can one obtain all calibration data which is needed to plot error_map of the ibm backend from few month ago?

I want to plot the error map of an IBM Quantum backend from the calibration data I saved a month ago. The saved file just contain qubit properties and to plot error map I would need all information ...
Shil S's user avatar
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Design a full adder to add two 4-bits integer and measuring on 4 quantum states

I am trying to implement a full adder with minimum of 8 qubits to add two 4 bit integers. Integer 1 will be added on q[0-3] while integer 2 will be added on q[4-7]. The output will be measured on q[0-...
Bob's user avatar
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Output of my quantum circuit to create 3-qubit GHZ-like state does not make sense mathematically

I want to create the GHZ-like state, $|\Psi\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left(|011\rangle - |100 \rangle \right)$. I build my circuit in the following way. apply the x gate to the first and third ...
molan li's user avatar
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If Statement OpenQasm 2.0

in the documentation for OpenQasm 2.0 it says one can use an if statement like so: if(c_reg==int) Quantum Operation. However, I would like to execute the following: ...
Sam's user avatar
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Question Related to the Qiskit Statevector_simulator, which returns the probability in a mixed form each time

""" ...
AP110's user avatar
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IBMQ Open Plan Access: How many circuits can i run per job? How many jobs can i run in general?

I think my question is not difficult at all, but I don't find any Information about the Open Plan of IBMQ. Such as how many circuits I can run per job and so on. I could not find the EULA too, I ...
Qubii's user avatar
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How to avoid measurement in Quantum Computing?

Using Qiskit, I tried to implement "weak measurement" to avoid measurement but it looks like a hard task for my skills-set. If you have any guidance for that, kindly purpose! Besides that, I ...
Seif Mostafa's user avatar
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Unable to open Qiskit Assignments for Qiskit 2023. (Quantum Challenge 2023) [closed]

Unable to open Qiskit Assignments for Qiskit 2023. (Quantum Challenge 2023) I was very excited to be a part of Qi skit 2023. I went through all the lectures in the crowd cast, but now I am very upset ...
Mriganka Sandilya's user avatar
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Qiskit's measurement error mitigation from counts data only, in 2023

Months or years ago, in a remote part of the globe, someone accessed an IBM Quantum computer online to perform a real experiment. She saved the resulting measurement outcomes of the algorithm in csv ...
PDRX's user avatar
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In qiskit, how to consider only readings conditioned to some measurement outcome?

In a five qubit (q0, q1, q2, q3 and q4) quantum circuit, I need to consider only those measurement readings of q0, q1 and q2 for which q3 and q4 measures 0. More specifically, I am trying to implement ...
User3912's user avatar
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Why does my quantum circuit run so slow on a real IBM quantum hardware?

I have created a very simple circuit on qiskit to produce a Bell state: bell = QuantumCircuit(2) bell.h(0), 1) bell.measure_all() And I then run it on a ...
Stéphane's user avatar
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IS my QUBO too big for QAOA using IBM Quantum computer?

On qiskit, I have defined a QUBO, called qp as follows: ...
Stéphane's user avatar
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Is there a matrix exponential $e^{iA}$ gate in IBM Quantum Experience?

Is there a gate that can perform the matrix exponential operation $$e^{iA}|\Psi\rangle$$ in IBM quantum experience API? What is the name and symbol for this type of gate (or some other gates that can ...
James's user avatar
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Trying to understand a quantum adder

I've implemented a quantum adder and, when I build the results table, I'm having some trouble to understand what's going on. First, I'm using the adder quantum circuit proposed in this paper, which ...
Herr Schrödinger's user avatar
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Converting a Matrix to a Gate in OpenQasm 2

I am a beginner when it comes to quantum computing so forgive me if this is a dumb question. Does anyone know how to create a gate from any matrix on OpenQasm2? Specifically, can anyone provide any ...
Sam's user avatar
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What is the probability of measuring in the following circuit?

So given the circuit and $|\psi\rangle = \alpha|0\rangle + \beta|1\rangle$ above I would like to see what the probabilities of each possible measurement are. To do this I tried expanding the circuit ...
Piotr's user avatar
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