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Consistent QISkit error: "All devices are currently unavailable"

I am attempting to run the following on a remote backend through QISkit: ...
Quinn Ganstern's user avatar
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Why can't you run a teleportation circuit on an IBM Q device?

I'm studying teleportation circuits with this tutorial and just out of curiosity, why can't a teleportation circuit be run on an IBM Q device?
Nillmer's user avatar
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Why does Grover's algorithm behaves so different for different solution addresses?

Attached please find two circuits for the IBM quantum composer, that show the outcome of Grover's algorithm with 3 QuBits after 2 iterations for the situation, where the solution is at address 111 and ...
Oliver Vornberger's user avatar
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Why is rz gate error not exactly zero in IBMQ washington device?

I am looking at the calibration data for IBMQ's washington device (which is published daily) and am finding non-zero values for the field "rz_gate_error_value". I used to think that RZ gates ...
Sam's user avatar
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How to extract per shots measurement result from ionq device using qiskit_braket_provider?

I'm running a circuit on ionq device using qiskit_braket_provider. I want to extract per shot measurement results. While running ...
Devesh's user avatar
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How can I know the number of qubits used in a job in qiskit?

How can I know the number of qubits used in a job in qiskit? I can always do something like ...
user2820579's user avatar
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How can I write if conditions on quantum registers using qiskit

There is a quantum register measured to state $\left|00\right> $ How can i write a code to check weather the first qubit in measured state is 1 or zero and if 1 do some operations or if 0 do other ...
j123's user avatar
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Performance metrics in QSVM

I have implemented QSVM on breast cancer dataset using link: "" but unable to compute other ...
user14924's user avatar
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Question about mock backends!

I recently learned about the mock backends or the fake backends provided by Qiskit and I was wondering, do they behave the same way IBMQ systems backends like (ibmq_brooklyn)? also, can I depend on ...
Zakaria Halloumi's user avatar
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How can I get IBM's API token?

I need an API token to use IBM's real hardware(greater than 5 qubits) in Qiskit, where can I find the price?
Hyunji's user avatar
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IF statement in OpenQASM2.0 on IBM Quantum Experience -- error

I have written the following toy .qasm file, which has some adaptive measurements: ...
fcrp's user avatar
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Data embedding using IBM quantum composer

How do you use the IBM quantum composer to encode some data $(a,b,c,d)$ represented by a vector ket in which $a,b,c,d$ have been normalized to one? $a|00\rangle + b|01\rangle + c|10\rangle + d|11\...
SuFong Chien's user avatar
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Why does running my circuit on Quantum Hardware produce such unexpected results?

I am using Jupyter Notebook with Qiskit. I have created a program that can add two 3-bit numbers together. When I simulate this program on a qasm_simulator it works as expected and I can add any two 3-...
John's user avatar
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IBMQ: Can I implement a quantum measurement in the middle of a quantum circuit?

I am executing a quantum circuit on an IBM quantum device. The circuit is simple: A single qubit (start from $|0\rangle$), Rx($\pi/2$) Measure (in z) 3 .Rx($-\pi/2$) Measure (in z) The final ...
dr.bian's user avatar
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Gate characteristics of different platforms

I would like to know if there is a place in which is summarized the gate characteristics of the different quantum computer existing (IBM,Google, others). For instance, which kind of two qubit gate ...
Marco Fellous-Asiani's user avatar
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IF statement in OpenQASM on IBM Quantum Experience

This is a simple circuit introduced in Moran's book "Mastering Quantum Computing with IBM QX" to demonstrate how if works in OpenQASM: ...
Alternative7's user avatar
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How to perform a time evolution of a quantum state with Qiskit Aqua?

How can we perform a time evolution of a quantum state for a given Hamiltonian with qiskit Aqua operator flow? I'm interested in it due to its higher efficiency.
Bidon's user avatar
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How do IBM, D-Wave, etc. change phase physically?

How do IBM, D-Wave, etc. change phase physically? In real hardware?
guest's user avatar
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Cannot replicate results in article on pricing financial derivatives on IBM Q

I am trying to implement a circuit for searching for the largest eigenvalue and respective eigenvector of an operator, i.e. phase estimation, introduced in article Towards Pricing Financial ...
Martin Vesely's user avatar
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How to put a quantum computer on the cloud?

What are the infrastructures needed to build a cloud quantum computing service like IBM Q Experience? It seems this is not a trivial task. IQX has been running for more than 3 years and yet it is ...
Junye Huang's user avatar
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Is IBM Q composer using little-endian representation for multi-qubit states?

I am still confused when I am trying to use the IBM Q composer to reproduce some quantum circuits I found in different papers, and I am wondering if it is because there are two ways to represent a ...
Patrice's user avatar
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How do I interpret the readout error for a quantum computer?

For example, the ibmqx2 computer has the most recent readout error of $4.40 \cdot 10^{-2}$. Does this mean per 1000 measurements, 44 faulty results exist?
Quinn Ganstern's user avatar
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Bug in IBM backend?

I was trying to see what IBM would do under the hood with a CCNOT gate. Something appears to be erroneous with the run. The circuit above should produce state 11100 with 100% probability, as ...
bRost03's user avatar
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Implementing Deutsch's problem on IBM Q composer

I tried to implement the Deutsch's problem on IBM Q but didn't get the results as expected. So here is the circuit for the Deutsch algorithm and this is my implementation on the composer: so let me ...
Cyberbunny's user avatar
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How much variation is there in the results between each quantum computer on the IBMQ Quantum Experience system?

For example, if you ran the same program on the 'ibmqx2' and 'ibmqx4' computers, how much variance would there be between the results from both systems? There is the inherent presence of noise in each ...
Quinn Ganstern's user avatar
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Simulation files for noisy quantum circuits

For our study with Yosi Rinott and Tomer Shoham we need the following simple data: Starting with a quantum circuit $C$ on $n$ qubits we need two files: a) A file of probabilities (or amplitudes) for ...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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IBM Quantum Experiment CNOT

I have a beginner question regarding CNOT-Gates on IBM Quantum. Assuming the following simple circuit: ...
choc1709's user avatar
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What's the difference between depth and num_tensor_factor in qiskit

Now I'm studying about the quantum circuit in qiskit developed by IBM. The quantum circuit have a several method in itself like depth() and num_tensor_factor(). I don't know what is different between ...
Sanghyeon Lee's user avatar
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'Internal error. Error code 9999' when running job on IBMQ

I'm trying to run a series of circuits in a job and I keep getting this error message which I haven't been able to find the meaning of anywhere in qiskit's documentation, online, etc. The job appears ...
Mykolas Sveistrys's user avatar
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How to find the expectation value of several circuits using Qiskit aqua operator logic?

I am using the method from this SE answer to calculate the expectation value using qiskit aqua operator logic which works well for a single circuit. Here is a simplified code snippet to demonstrate ...
thespaceman's user avatar
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What is the relationship between the (sx) error rate listed in calibration and the angle/amplitude errors calculated using the fitter?

The IBM Quantum services website lists calibration statistics for their devices, including the (sx) error rate per qubit, which is listed as a single number. One can also manually calibrate a device ...
Joey Marcellino's user avatar
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How to run VQE experiments on IBMQ Backends?

The method only takes a quantum_instance of type QuantumInstance or BaseBackend and ...
MShakeG's user avatar
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How can I find the fidelity of the preparation operation $|0\rangle$ of IBMQ?

I want to know the fidelity (or error rate) of the preparation of $|0\rangle$. How can I obtain it?
Yongsoo's user avatar
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How call from IBM Q Experience (Jupyter Notebook) cplex

I have the latest version of cplex (12.9) installed on my computer. I use it very well with Jupyter notebook, but in IBM Q Experience, I did not get way to call it. IBM Q Experience warns me that the ...
Parfait Atchadé's user avatar
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2-qubit QFT in IBMQ: controlled phase rotation

I've started getting into quantum computing in the last few days. As part of the learning, I've figured it would be fun to implement some circuits on IBMQ Experience as I learn. So now I'm stuck with ...
Dan Yaron's user avatar
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Qiskit: 'per shot' result

Is there a way to access the results of measurements 'per shot' performed on a backend such as one of the real IBM machines? I know it can generate a histogram from the cumulative data, but I was ...
Caleb GS's user avatar
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How to re-execute failed jobs in qiskit?

When executing a batch of circuits using the IBMQJobManager and attempting to combine all the results of all jobs with combine_results I get the ...
MShakeG's user avatar
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VQE jobs do not appear in queue

I am trying to calculate the ground state energy of some simple molecules using 'MolecularGroundStateEnergy' tools in qiskit. When I run the calculations for very small molecules (e.g. H2, HeH+) the ...
Joshua's user avatar
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How many cores and what processors are used in the cloud ibmq_qasm_simulator?

Cloud IBMQ simulator ibmq_qasm_simulator can process up to 32-qubit circuits quite fast. However, I could not find any information about the simulator backend properties, e.g. how many cores, what ...
Michael's user avatar
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Difficulty in implementing Grover's Algorithm with large number of qubits

It seems IBM offers a 15 qubit quantum computer through their quantum experience program. However, upon a quick search through the literature, the largest implementation of Grover's algorithm I have ...
Zonova's user avatar
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Bug report bug report? [duplicate]

The full user guide here states "If you find any bugs, please report them with our bug tracker, accessible via the little bug icon in the lower right-hand corner of each page." However, I was unable ...
Gracen Ownby's user avatar
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How to measure a Bell inequality violation in IBM Q?

Note: Cross-posted on Physics SE. I made some circuit to prepare a 2 qubit state, but I am having trouble understanding how to measure Bell's inequality. I know the inequality is of the form $$|E(a,...
The Bosco's user avatar
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Qiskit Python program cannot connect to QE API

I am just getting started with Qiskit and IBM Quantum Experience, so please forgive my newby question. I have a IBM Quantum Experience account and I generated an API token. I used the generated ...
Bruno Rijsman's user avatar
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Does IBM have a publicly available tutorial on applied quantum computing and how does one use it? Any Reviews of the Tutorial?

I found this link and I am wondering if anyone has used it to learn or develop applications? I would like to know if people find it worth the time. I am reading the material by the way. https://...
dxander's user avatar
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Why IBM Quantum Experience is giving different results under ibmq_qasm_simulator and ibmq_16_melbourne?

I am trying to run following 6 qubit quantum circuit and I am getting different results under ibmq_qasm_simulator and ibmq_16_melbourne (both involving 8192 shots). What is the reason? ...
Adam Levine's user avatar
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How to run the Qiskit Aer simulator without noise?

I know that the Qasm Simulator execute quantum circuits with presence of noise, even if I do not specify the model of noise in options for that backend. But how can I execute the circuits without ...
C-Roux's user avatar
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IBM Quantum: Are ibmq_5_yorktown and ibmqx2 different devices?

When I run provider.backends(), ibmqx2 is listed as an available backend, but is not listed on the IBMQ systems page. This file ...
Jay Muntz's user avatar
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Quantum computing coding setup for a beginner

I want to dive into Quantum computing but I don’t have a personal computer for coding. I have an iPad and I know some quantum computing basics. I had earlier used IBM quantum experience (IBM’s cloud ...
AAYUSH's user avatar
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Is it possible to see the probabilities values of qubit ( alpha and beta) while measuring on IBM Quantum experience?

Is it possible to see what are the values of $\alpha$ (probability of being in state zero) and $\beta$ (probability of being in state one) while running on IBM Quantum simulator (we can call it state ...
User1086's user avatar
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IBM Q calibration parameters

If I download calibration of a quantum processor on IBM Q website I see these parameters: T1 T2 frequency (GHz) readout error single qubit U2 error rate CNOT error rate T1 and T2 are relaxation and ...
Martin Vesely's user avatar

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