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Phase estimation of the Pauli-Y matrix

I'm trying to use the phase estimation algorithm to extract the eigen value for both eigen vectors of the Pauli-Y matrix using the ibm quantum experiance. So far I have this for the possitive state |+&...
Charlie Plath's user avatar
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an issue with the execution time of a VQC classifier on an IBM quantum machine

I tried to use the available open-source IBM quantum machines. I’m trying to do a classification using the VQC classifier to classify data, but I encountered a problem. The VQC keeps fitting on the ...
lynda lebdjiri's user avatar
2 votes
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Understanding Oracles for Simon's Algorithm

I'm having a hard time understanding oracles in Simon's algorithm. There are lots of discussions here and elsewhere for 2-qubit oracles, but when I go all the way up to 3 qubits, it's confusing. I've ...
Eleeza's user avatar
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Do not understand error in if-else section

I have tried to build a circuit for encryption. One function is: ...
Arpita's user avatar
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Which IBM composer gate realizes the 2x2 single-qubit $-I$ matrix?

Which IBM Quantum composer gate is used to realize the 2x2 matrix $-I$ acting on a single qubit? And how is it called?
Oliver Vornberger's user avatar
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How can I get real hardware resources for IBM Quantum locally?

When I try to connect to ibm real quantum hardware locally, from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService service = QiskitRuntimeService() I got the ...
Mistico013's user avatar
1 vote
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How to add Source and sink qubit in dag Circuit

i want DAGCircuit like this The Following is my Source code ...
Naeem Ullah's user avatar
2 votes
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How to represent two gates addition on Qiskit composer. we can do tensor product and multiplication but how to do Addition

How to represent two gates addition on Qiskit composer we can do it in python code by using qiskit library but I would like to visually see how addition of two operators look like in composer. I am ...
Nithin Reddy Govindugari's user avatar
1 vote
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IBM Q: How to change my results from hexadecimal to computation basis in 1s and 0s?

Hey IBM quantum noobie here, Everytime I run my circuits, I get the results graph’s measurement basis (x axis) in hexadecimal form, how do i change this so that the results graph in in the computation ...
unknown unknown's user avatar
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Execute using circuits on IBM hardware using visual studio code

I have wrote some code using Qiskit in Jupyter notebook using Microsoft Visual Studio Code. Is there any way to run directly on an IBM quantum computer through Visual Studio?
Jack Jack's user avatar
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Why does Grover's algorithm behaves so different for different solution addresses?

Attached please find two circuits for the IBM quantum composer, that show the outcome of Grover's algorithm with 3 QuBits after 2 iterations for the situation, where the solution is at address 111 and ...
Oliver Vornberger's user avatar
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IBMQ job was not run immediately after it was sent during my reservation [closed]

I got a problem when I sent a job during my reservation on ibmq_guadalupe. My job was in queue position 1 for almost 11 hours. Why was the job not run immediately after it was sent? Is there any ...
afundy hayeeteh's user avatar
1 vote
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Any way to share code with others in IBM Quantum Lab? [closed]

Is there any way to share code with others in IBM Quantum Lab, so they can view all updates without being logged into your account?
user22395's user avatar
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BOBYQA optimizer IndexError

I'm trying to implement BOBYQA optimizer for my VQE job. Though, I'm facing the below issue. Can anyone help in pointing out what the actual cause of this issue is and how to solve this: ...
Amey Meher's user avatar
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I can't load account on IBM's qiskit

I do this but it still gives an error for load account IBMQ.delete_account() IBMQ.active_account() IBMQ.save_account('myAPI toke ') IBMQ.save_account('my API toke') IBMQ.load_account() entire error ...
maria's user avatar
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Why is rz gate error not exactly zero in IBMQ washington device?

I am looking at the calibration data for IBMQ's washington device (which is published daily) and am finding non-zero values for the field "rz_gate_error_value". I used to think that RZ gates ...
Sam's user avatar
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Quantum computing coding setup for a beginner

I want to dive into Quantum computing but I don’t have a personal computer for coding. I have an iPad and I know some quantum computing basics. I had earlier used IBM quantum experience (IBM’s cloud ...
AAYUSH's user avatar
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How to get the compiled circuits and measurements from a Qiskit Runtime job

I have not been able to find any way to retrieve the compiled circuits and the measurement counts used for a Qiskit Runtime job. This page describes the various error suppression mechanisms available. ...
Elijah Pelofske's user avatar
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Realizing Haar random unitary matrix on IBM Q

I am thinking about if it is possible to achieve Haar random single qubit unitary matrix on some real quantum computers like IBM Q. I am reading a paper In this paper,...
jisutich's user avatar
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IBM composer deletes my circuit

When I work on the IBM quantum composer and I switch to another circuit, my first circuit is destroyed and replaced by the second one. I thought it was a display bug, but when I restart the composer, ...
Jonah's user avatar
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How to improve results from the IBM Quantum hardware?

I have a simple dynamic circuit as follows. I ran it on the IBM simulator and the real quantum hardware. The result from the simulator is 100% mathematically accurate. The result from the hardware has ...
Emscripten Fan's user avatar
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Check gate errors of old jobs in IBMq

How can I check the gates errors and other device configurations of a past set of jobs ran in IBMQ? I have the line ...
user2820579's user avatar
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Simulation files for noisy quantum circuits

For our study with Yosi Rinott and Tomer Shoham we need the following simple data: Starting with a quantum circuit $C$ on $n$ qubits we need two files: a) A file of probabilities (or amplitudes) for ...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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What is the status of IBM Quantum Dynamic Circuits?

According to this IBM roadmap (, the feature of dynamic circuits should be ready by 2022. Now, it is approaching the year end soon, but I ...
Emscripten Fan's user avatar
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Why Circuit error when I use append(U)

I am new of this field. I want to make custom Unitary transform. I make a test matrix with Identity matrix. If I use UnitaryGate and append it to main circuit, it would not work. Here is my code. I ...
윤성원's user avatar
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I've wrote code on an outdated version of QisKit but what to run it on a quantum computer

like mentioned in the title I've got working code on an outdated version of QisKit which I run on my own IDE. However I am wanting to run this on a real quantum computer and I can't do this as IBM ...
Steve Golleger's user avatar
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Implement muti-qubit controlled gate with 2 Z/X gates

This paper simulates duality mode to solve sudoku puzzles. The last diagram in the paper (shown below) illustrates multi-qubit controlled gates with two Z/X gates. I wonder if Qiskit can directly ...
Yili's user avatar
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Specifying the shape of pulse in RoughFrequencyCal

I've been following upon this document for device calibration. Is there any way to specify the pulse shape for the ...
Amey Meher's user avatar
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Syntax of Importing LogicalExpressionOracle in IBM Quantum Lab

This article provides a sample code to use Grover's algorithm to solve SAT problems. It requires importing a method called LogicalExpressionOracle. However, when I copied the code into IBM quantum lab,...
Yili's user avatar
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How to create Parametrized Operator

How to transform the U3 gate of parameters (theta, phi, lambda) to an Operator. (in qiskit) The following code don't work ...
rabah hacene benaissa's user avatar
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problem with parametrized circuits

I used a circuit with one parametrized gate U(theta, phi, lambda), than I fixed the parameters with qc.bind_parameters and it's worked well. But the only step that don't work is the execution in a ...
rabah hacene benaissa's user avatar
4 votes
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How the real IBM quantum computers apply arbitrary Rz(θ) gate rotation? [closed]

I want to ask the following questions: (1) The basis gate set of IBM quantum computers is { Id, Rz(θ),√X, X, CNOT, reset}. Somebody said that IBM didn’t really apply Rz(θ) gate on the machine. The ...
劉承瀚's user avatar
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Number of qubits does not match the number of qubits of the observable

I have to compute $\langle\psi_1(\theta)|H_1|\psi_1(\theta)\rangle$ where $$H_1 = X_1Z_2 +3Y_0Y_4$$ ...
Amey Meher's user avatar
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what quantum computing simulator can achieve drag-and-drop programing fuction without internet like IBM web composer?

I reallt need some kind of simulator can work like this.Quirk is similar but also require internet.can anyone know how to achieve this?It is very important for some eaducational lesson to students.
kenny Zhang's user avatar
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How to you initialize a qubit into a magic state in IBM Quantum composer

I want to build/prepare a qubit transforming from $\vert 0 \rangle$ into a magic state. How do I do that? the particular magic state I have in mind is the following, $$ |\varphi\rangle = \frac{1}{\...
Kimbly  North's user avatar
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Histogram does not reflect quantum device results

I created the following code to run a simple circuit through a quantum device twice. My purpose was to show the effects of noise with different arrangements of qubits when using ibmq_belem. ...
PGibbon's user avatar
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Is there code to generate the statevector amplitude histogram for a circuit outside the Composer?

When using the IBM Composer, in the bottom left of our screen we have access to two histograms. A theoretical probability histogram and a statevector amplitude histogram. I'm looking for ways to ...
PGibbon's user avatar
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How to use more than 3 classical registers in a single quantum circuit in Qiskit without getting error: not enough memory slots?

I'm trying to run a quantum circuit on qasm simulator which has more than 3 classical registers. It gives error when I try to execute it. The circuit looks ...
Devesh's user avatar
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Publicly available samples for quantum circuits and/or simulators

With Yosi Rinott and Tomer Shoham we studied various statistical aspects of samples coming from NISQ computers. My question is about available data consisting of samples from NISQ computers We would ...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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Extracting results from a job when it is in a json form

I have downloaded a job from the COMPOSER JOBS but I get a folder containing three files. 632867a95ccea778be9446fb-info.json 632867a95ccea778be9446fb-input.json 632867a95ccea778be9446fb-output.json ...
rabah hacene benaissa's user avatar
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Parallel calculation of expectation values of operator for different quantum states qiskit on a QPU

I need to calculate the expectation values of an operator h for various quantum states ψ on an IBMQ quantum machine. This can be ...
bisarch's user avatar
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Retrieving jobs of an expired access device

I had private access to a quantum computer, but the access is expired. So Can I access to my jobs done on it ? The '''backend.retrieve_job('')''' ​can't work because I cant load the backend (no access)...
rabah hacene benaissa's user avatar
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Difference between qiskit SPSA optimize and minimize in runtime program

I use this tutorial with pennylane-qiskit.vqe_runtime_runner to familiarize myself with qiskit runtime using pennylane. Thereby, I wonder: What is the difference between qiskit.algorithms.optimizers....
qcabepsilon's user avatar
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What is the maximum number of qubits to execute a circuit on real hardware with IBM Quantum Experience and Qiskit?

I can't find anything that says about this. I know that on some simulators there are a limit of 32 qubits (quasi simulator) or more. But on real hardware ?
DYLAN NICO AMBROSI's user avatar
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Can a Quantum computer simulate classical hack and exploit in a network ? Also how would it be any different from the classical computer [closed]

I'm trying to write a realistic story around Quantum computing and was wondering how different a network exploit/hack would look if a Quantum computer was to hack into a private network, instead of ...
abhishek singh's user avatar
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Qiskit: Can I run real experiments in QPUs with OOP structured code?

The question might be naive, but I'm hesitant to design my algorithm in a complex, Object-Oriented scheme (custom classes, objects etc.). My fear is that current frameworks (e.g. ibmq, qiskit-runtime) ...
consthatza's user avatar
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How to extract per shots measurement result from ionq device using qiskit_braket_provider?

I'm running a circuit on ionq device using qiskit_braket_provider. I want to extract per shot measurement results. While running ...
Devesh's user avatar
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Is there a tutorial for error mitigation in qiskit that does not use the deprecated ignis?

Working through the qiskit text I have come accross measurement error mitigation a few times (Measurement Error Mitigation, Lab 3: Quantum Measurment,...]. In the online textbook the coding indicates ...
PGibbon's user avatar
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A path towards building quantum Computing graduation project for undergraduates

I need help. I'm a computer science student with a Data science major. I have a final graduation project this year. With that, I want to create a project in the Quantum computing field. I'm already ...
Hamza Kamel Ahmed's user avatar
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duality quantum computing simulation

I am a starter of this quantum mostly new to quantum computing but I wonder if there is any option of simulating duality quantum computing in qiskit or IBM q or any other alternative way? Duality ...
CADENTIC's user avatar

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