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Is there a way to connect a IBM quantum lab code to an Unreal Engine project?

I would like to know whether someone tried this before, I'm interested in be able to connect this tools. I know that Unreal Engine has a plugin to program with python, that all I know. I'll really ...
Juan Sebastian Avilan Forero's user avatar
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Maximum depth of a circuit in IBM

Given Quantum Volume and number of qubits of a IBMQ device, what is the formula to calculate the maximum depth of the circuit that gives high fidelity? For example: Let us consider ...
Monica's user avatar
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How to simplify a circuit with repeated same parts?

If I have a circuit with 3 qubits and repeated gates as follow: ...
Charles Hua's user avatar
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Process 3 MB of data in IBM

How can I process a 3 MB csv file in IBMQ? The memory shows 433 MB. Is this the maximum file size that I can upload and process in IBMQ?
Aryabhat's user avatar
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IBMQ - Total samples exceeds the maximum number of samples for channel [8002]

I'm trying to run some pulse schedules on ibmq_bogota but I'm running into this error: There are 99 "circuits"/pulse schedules in this job. When I try to ...
eugenhu's user avatar
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Why does job execution time vary significantly across different IBMQ Backends?

I have run a batch of a few thousand random 2-qubit QuantumCircuits on multiple different IBMQ Backends, and the execution times seem to significantly vary across ...
MShakeG's user avatar
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Does Qiskit offer a stack of functions to generate and manipulate graph states?

I'm looking for a way to test graph state verification protocols on the IBM Q. Has anyone yet written code to generate a graph state on IBM Q and also generate its stabilizer generators given the ...
sycramore's user avatar
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The analogous IBM circuit representation for the quantum scheme

I am trying to implement a quantum scheme of sharing a secret via EPR states. Here is my initial state of 6 qubits \begin{equation} |\psi\rangle=\left(\dfrac{|0\rangle_1|0\rangle_2+ |1\rangle_1|1\...
Upstart's user avatar
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Error parameters from Qiskit backends

In order to build a custom noise model in Qiskit Aer, I requested the error parameters from different backends and got 3 (9) parameters for each single-qubit (two-qubit) gate as output. However, I ...
user13239395's user avatar
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Gate error in IBM-Q simulator vs real backend

Does the simulator of the IBM-Q supercomputer involves a CNOT gate error rate ? What are the main differences reasons in outcome between simulators and real backends in IBM-Q ? Best,
user1319236's user avatar
-1 votes
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Install qiskit in django project

I was wondering if it's possible to use qiskit inside a django project. I found some ways to install jupyter notebooks, but I am not sure what is happening with qiskit. Ideally I would like to import ...
marissalianam's user avatar
-1 votes
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Where are my Results?

I've successfully used IBM Q Experience for quite a while now. But the interface seems to have changed. After I run a simulation on my quantum circuit, I go to Results but I don't see the answer in ...
Peter Osterberg's user avatar
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edit a program on IBM Q experience

Can I edit a program with python numpy and scipy and of course qiskit in the IBM Q experience, using code? (I am not interested in drugging gates) and I can't find the way to edit my own program
AL_P's user avatar
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Quantum ripple-carry adder construction

I am attempting to build a 2-bit ripple-carry adder, using IBM Quantum Experience composer, but I'm confused on how to construct the carry transpose that is shown at the bottom?
n22's user avatar
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FileNotFoundError: No such file or directory. This error occurs while giving a data path to upload datafile(present on desktop) in IBMQ [closed]

I am trying to implement's-code!- in IBMQ using a dataset present on my desktop. While uploading a dataset ...
user14924's user avatar
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What is this pulse experiment showing?

The following results in the figure were achieved using Qiskit pulse by doing the following pulse sequence; { $\frac{\pi}{2}$, delay $\tau$, $\pi$, delay $\tau$, $\frac{\pi}{2}$} The figure is the ...
John's user avatar
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What is ''524 Server Error''?

When running my code, sometimes I find this 524 Server Error: Origin Time-out for url and then my code stop. The error is in ...
chiyue pan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Unable to instantiate provider for research account locally

When I run IBMQ.load_account(). I have the error information: ...
wei zi's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I get $|00\rangle |01\rangle |10\rangle |11\rangle$ entangled on IBMQ experience?

How can I get this situation entangled on IBMQ experience? $$|00\rangle:\\ |01\rangle:\\ |10\rangle:\\ |11\rangle: $$
Baraa Masri's user avatar
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How does number of shots (number of times the computation is repeated) affects time complexity [closed]

I want to know what happens to the time complexity in terms of big O analysis
jetfry99's user avatar
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How to deal with job submission error in IBM? [closed]

I keep on getting this error no matter how many circuits I run in the backend 'ibmq_athens'. It says 'Max retries exceeded with URL'. Can someone explain why I am getting this error message. The main ...
Gem's user avatar
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how to generate a random sequence [duplicate]

parth's user avatar
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Running jobs on different backends at the same time

user8586's user avatar
-3 votes
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How may I get more "credits" on my IBM Quantum Experience profile? [duplicate]

How can I have 150 or more credits? I mean I want to have '150/150 credits'.
wei zi's user avatar
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Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm in IBM Q Experience [closed]

I have composed the gate with IBM Q Experience, but I do not know how to set the answer. Please tell me how to set it?
吉川 喜次's user avatar

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