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2 answers

Gate synthesis with parametrised precision

I am wondering whether Qiskit (or other quantum program language) can perform gate synthesis with parametrised precision. I tried with ...
Zehong Fan's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Is the Solovay-Kitaev theorem relevant for modern hardware?

The Solovay-Kitaev theorem (and more recent improvements) explains how to efficiently compile any 2-qubit unitary into any universal (dense) finite set of gates. My question is if this theorem is ...
Nikita Nemkov's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Sampling random circuits vs Solovay-Kitaev compiler

Suppose I want to obtain a gate sequence representing a particular 1 qubit unitary matrix. The gate set is represented by a discrete universal set, e.g. Clifford+T gates or $\{T,H\}$ gates. A well ...
Yaroslav Kharkov's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Rewrite circuit with measurements with unitaries

In quantum physics, because of the no-cloning theorem, lots of classical proofs of cryptographic problems cannot be turned into quantum proofs (rewinding is usually not possible quantumly). A dream ...
Léo Colisson's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Approximating unitary matrices

I currently have 2 unitary matrices that I want to approximate to a good precision with the fewer quantum gates possible. In my case the two matrices are: The square root of NOT gate (up to a global ...
Adrien Suau's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Number of gates required to approximate arbitrary unitaries

If I understand correctly, there must exist unitary operations that can be approximated to a distance $\epsilon$ only by an exponential number of quantum gates and no less. However, by the Solovay-...
BlackHat18's user avatar
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9 votes
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Basic approximation in Solovay-Kitaev algorithm

I read the Solovay-Kitaev algorithm for approximation of arbitrary single-qubit unitaries. However, while implementing the algorithm, I got stuck with the basic approximation of depth 0 of the ...
Debarghya Kundu's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

How does approximating gates via universal gates scale with the length of the computation?

I understand that there is a constructive proof that arbitrary gates can be approximated by a finite universal gate set, which is the Solovay–Kitaev Theorem. However, the approximation introduces an ...
M. Stern's user avatar
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