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How can you decompose Grover's diffusion operator into gates?

I know how Grover's diffusion operator works ($U_s = 2|s\rangle\langle s|-I$) with the inversion around the mean. However, I want to implement it in simpler gates, to use the algorithm. How can I do ...
BrockenDuck's user avatar
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How are multi-qubit gates extended into larger registers? [duplicate]

Implementing a single-qubit gate in a multi-qubit register is relatively easy. For example, this gate: This is equivalent to $I \otimes H \otimes I$. If the $H$ gate was on the first bit, it would be ...
Kendall Frey's user avatar
9 votes
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Is there a general method to implement a 'greater than' quantum circuit?

I am interesting in finding a circuit to implement the operation $f(x) > y$ for an arbitrary value of $y$. Below is the circuit I would like to build: I use the first three qubits to encode $|x⟩$, ...
Max's user avatar
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36 votes
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How to derive the CNOT matrix for a 3-qubit system where the control & target qubits are not adjacent?

In a three-qubit system, it's easy to derive the CNOT operator when the control & target qubits are adjacent in significance - you just tensor the 2-bit CNOT operator with the identity matrix in ...
ahelwer's user avatar
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13 votes
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Automatic compilation of quantum circuits

A recent question here asked how to compile the 4-qubit gate CCCZ (controlled-controlled-controlled-Z) into simple 1-qubit and 2-qubit gates, and the only answer given so far requires 63 gates! The ...
user1271772 No more free time's user avatar
3 votes
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Doing maths with controlled-half NOTs

In Quantum Computation with the simplest maths possible there is a section titled "Doing maths with a controlled-half NOT" which covers a reversible-(N)AND circuit with controlled-half NOTs. What ...
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