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How to convert from choi to chi matrix in qiskit

I have done a quantum process tomography experiment on a two qubit system. ...
idislikecoding's user avatar
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Interpretation of a circuit that yields the same result for initializations $|+\rangle$ and $|-\rangle$

How can I interpret a quantum circuit that results in the same state for the initialization $\newcommand{\ket}[1]{|#1\rangle}\newcommand{\bra}[1]{\langle #1|}\ket{+}$ and $\ket{-}$? For example, the ...
upe's user avatar
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What is the formula for the matrix representation of a general controlled gate?

Suppose I have $n$-qubit circuit. I have a single-qubit gate (e.g. a Pauli gate) at qubit $a$ and it is controlled by the qubit $b$. What is the matrix representation for this controlled gate? The ...
user1747134's user avatar
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How to translate a 4-qubit Grover's algorithm circuit into a state Matrix?

Grover's algorithm circuit may be implemented as follows: (from here) It is shown very elegantly by @MartinVesely (How to interpret a 4 qubit quantum circuit as a matrix?) how to translate a 4 qubit ...
James's user avatar
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