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Discarding a Quantum register to extract kernel matrix in practical quantum computer

Question: How to extract a kernel matrix from a quantum state on a real quantum computer through discarding a register? I am trying to understand the paper "Quantum Support Vector Machine for Big ...
tra sh's user avatar
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How to generate random quantum states in matlab?

I was wondering if there is some academic standard/any way of generating random n times n q-states/density matrices in Matlab without using any other package then QETLAB.
Pink Elephants's user avatar
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Applying 2-qubit noise to a multi qubit system using local operations in Python

I am trying to create a simulation of 2-qubit dephasing noise that acts on the first two qubits of a multi qubit system. I would like to do this locally rather than expanding my kraus operators into $...
Asa Gauntlett's user avatar
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Why is my mutual information negative in Python, and how can I accommodate that?

I'm calculating the mutual information between two 1 qubit subsystems in a quantum state using Python. Theoretically, mutual information should always be non-negative. However, I'm encountering very ...
Ceasar's user avatar
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Is there a theoretical method to achieve a positive semi-definite density matrix in QST?

The problem of encountering negative eigenvalues in the density matrix during Quantum State Tomography (QST) is well-explained in this Quantum Computing Stack Exchange post. However, I am seeking ...
Ceasar's user avatar
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Tests of entanglement between one and many qubits

I have a 5-qubit state $|\psi \rangle$, which has a physical interpretation that the middle qubit is the "impurity" with spin $s_{imp} = 1/2$. The rest 4 qubits highlight the presence of ...
Soumyadeep sarma's user avatar
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Can non-linear operations be implemented as a circuit on a quantum computer?

Suppose I have a Quantum circuit, which gives an output state $|\psi \rangle$ let's say. I wish to obtain the reduced density matrix by tracing out subsystem B, i.e. $\rho = |\psi \rangle \langle \psi ...
Soumyadeep sarma's user avatar
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Particle number expectation value in QuTip

I am learning now to use QuTiP by going through their documentation site. I am trying to understand what does the argument - particle number expectation value in thermal density matrix do? How does it ...
CuriousMind's user avatar
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Create qnode with density matrix on pennylane

I'm using pennylane. What I want to do is Create a qnode with the 2*2 density matrix of a single qubit one. It has the parameter as phi Given density matrix: $$\...
Donguk kim's user avatar
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Converting a Matrix to a Gate in OpenQasm 2

I am a beginner when it comes to quantum computing so forgive me if this is a dumb question. Does anyone know how to create a gate from any matrix on OpenQasm2? Specifically, can anyone provide any ...
Sam's user avatar
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How are $\theta, \phi$ and $\lambda$ for the U3 gate derived in Abhijith et al. 2018?

I am looking to implement Quantum PCA from this paper (page 62). They have their code on Github. I have gone through the paper multiple times but failing to understand how they got numbers (for theta, ...
Nihir's user avatar
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QuTiP VS RK45: Which one gives the correct results for time-dependent systems?

I am writing a code for a quantum thermal machine which includes both coherent and dissipative time evolutions in its different stages of operation. However, evolving the system with "mesolve&...
Ali Pedram's user avatar
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What is the superop simulator in Qiskit for?

I'm trying to understand what the use case of a superop simulator would be. My understanding is that density matrix is generally more resource intensive than state vector, but it has additional ...
lobsterism's user avatar
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Produce a quantum state with its density matrix an identity matrix up to an constant

For a n-qubit quantum state $|\psi\rangle=\displaystyle\sum_{i=0}^{2^N-1}|i\rangle$, by definition it's density matrix is $|\psi\rangle\langle\psi|=\displaystyle\sum_{i,j=0}^{2^N-1}|j\rangle\langle i|$...
Yitian Wang's user avatar
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Initialising impure density matrices

I wish to initalise the state $\rho=(1-\frac{p}{2})|0\rangle \langle0|+\frac{p}{2}|1\rangle\langle1|$, where p is some measure of decoherence. This is a mixed state. There are some suggestions on here ...
LOC's user avatar
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Information about two algorithms of Matrix product state

In qiskit backends, there is Matrix_product_state. With this backend, I can simulate circuit for several qubits. And I found some mysterious problem about MPS. With 25,26,27 qubits, the simulating ...
김동민's user avatar
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Numerical methods for finding an eigen basis of a degenerate Liouvillian

I'm trying to find the steady-state of a master equation, $$\dot{\rho}(t) = \mathcal{L}\rho(t),\tag{1}\label{1}$$ In the form where we vectorise the density matrix and matrixify (??) the Liouvillian ...
Custal's user avatar
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What is "Lindblad Superoperator" in Stochastic Master Equation

I was reading a paper titled "Using a Recurrent Neural Network to Reconstruct Quantum Dynamics of a Superconducting Qubit from Physical Observations" and was confused about a stochastic master ...
C. Ardayfio's user avatar
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How do I construct a Density Matrix corresponding to a Hamiltonian?

I have a Hamiltonian and I want to know the corresponding density matrix. The matrix I'm interested in is the one in this question.
M00N KNIGHT's user avatar
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From Q# measurements to Bloch sphere

I would like to represent the state of a qubit on a Bloch sphere from the measurements made with Q#. According the documentation, it is possible to measure a qubit in the different Pauli bases (...
JRial95's user avatar
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