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Finding a density matrix for a distribution of pure states

Let $\theta$ be a Gaussian variable with mean 0 and variance 1. Then for $t>0$, the variable $\theta \sqrt{t}$ is also Gaussian with mean $0$ and variance $t$. Let $|\psi_0\rangle$ be an arbitrary ...
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Distribution of density operators under Stochastic Master Equation

Stochastic master equations (SME) are used in studies of open quantum systems. The general form of an SME is: \begin{align} \tag{1} d\tilde{\sigma}(t) = - i [H, \tilde{\sigma}(t) ]dt + \frac{1}{2}\...
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Show that if the Lindblad satisfy $\sum_\mu L_\mu L_\mu^\dagger=\sum_\mu L_\mu^\dagger L_\mu$ then $\rho\propto I$ is a fixed point of an evolution

How can we show that the Lindblad condition: $$\sum_{\mu}L_{\mu} L_{\mu}^{\dagger} = \sum_{\mu} L_{\mu}^{\dagger}L_{\mu},\tag{1}$$ implies that $\rho \propto I$ is the fixed point of the evolution ...
Sudhir Kumar Sahoo's user avatar
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Show that if the Lindblad satisfy $\sum_\mu L_\mu L_\mu^\dagger=\sum_\mu L_\mu^\dagger L_\mu$ then the von Neumann entropy increases monotonically

How can we show that when the Lindblad operators satisfy the condition: $$\sum_{\mu}L_{\mu} L_{\mu}^{\dagger} = \sum_{\mu} L_{\mu}^{\dagger}L_{\mu},\tag{1}$$ the master equation evolution ...
Sudhir Kumar Sahoo's user avatar
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Only assuming the universe evolves according to a positive trace-preserving map, is there a proof that all subsystem evolution must be CPTP?

If we only assume that the wavefunction of the universe evolves according to $e^{-iHt}$, is there any proof that all subsystems of the universe (partial traces over parts of the universe) must evolve ...
user1271772 No more free time's user avatar