
Problem: trying to implement and test quantum subroutines on quantum simulators I run into multiple challenges:

  1. Quantum simulation is a very hard problem: a very low number of simulated qubits is supported
  2. The toolkit does not offer arithmetic operations, often not even a structure representing numbers, e.g., a "quantum" integer. The simulators work on basis of distinct qubits only.

Solution: Assuming I am interested in translating a classical subroutine into a quantum circuit. The translation can be done without the use of entanglement and thus it would be sufficient to simulate a reversible ciruit (hence remove the overhead of simulating superpositons). Merely testing for functionality of such a translation does not require quantum effects.

Looking for: I am looking a tool(kit) that allows to construct and simulate reversible circuits for a large (a few thousands) number of (qu)bits. The toolkit should, if possible, allow the following:

  • (Classical) simulation of the circuit
  • Definition of subroutines (functions)
  • Definition of structures (e.g. array of (qu)bits to represent an integer)
  • Support a gate set that allows to construct arbitrary operations, e.g., Toffoli (no need to create superpositions though)
  • Predefined (reversible) arithmetic operations (optional)
  • GUI representation of the circuits, drag and drop (optional)

I would also be happy about a quantum simulator that allows to restrict to "classical" simualtion. Perhaps a quantum simulator is overkill and there are "classical" circuit construction tools that allow me to do this very easily (maybe VHDL?).

Question: Can anyone point me to simulators for reversible circuits?

I am aware of the extensive list of quantum simulators in quantiki, and must admit, that I did not try all of them. However, I do have some experience with the following:

Microsoft Liquid

  • Plenty example code
  • can simulate $\approx 22$ qubits (on my laptop)
  • can restrict oneself to stabilizer circuits (Clifford group) for larger number of qubits, but that does not give me Toffoli gates :(

Microsoft QSharp Programming Language

  • can simulate $< 30$ qubits
  • allows construction of structs; has integer/ floating-point representations
  • predefined quantum arithmetic

Simulator University Linz

  • seems to allow to simulate larger number of qubits for certain problem
  • poorly documented
  • only (qu)bit level operations
  • not actively developed

revkit/ cirkit RevKit

  • apparently simulation for reversible circuits
  • has a GUI representation of circuits
  • did not actually get this to run (only the gui)

Drag an Drop Quirk

  • GUI cuircit representation
  • allows to defined functions
  • works very well for small examples (great tool!)

IBM Qiskit

  • GUI circuit representation
  • allows to define structures and functions
  • no predefined arithmetic operations, but sample code for addition/ multiplication etc available on githut
  • simulation limited to $< 30$ (qu)bits

1 Answer 1


One of the simulators in Microsoft Quantum Development Kit is Toffoli simulator which seems to do exactly what you want.

  • It supports a limited set of primitive gates (X, CNOT and Toffoli gates, as well as other gates when their effect is X or identity), measurements in the computational basis and DumpMachine to output the state of the simulator.
  • It is a simulator for Q#, so all language features and libraries (including arithmetic) are available to it. The restriction on 30 simulatable qubits you mentioned comes not from Q# language itself but from the full-state simulator that is typically used with the Q# programs. Since Toffoli simulator doesn't create entanglement, it can simulate thousands of qubits - the default is 65k, but you can allocate more if you need.
  • It is available with IQ# and from qsharp Python package using %toffoli magic command and toffoli_simulate method, respectively.

You can find examples of using it with Q# in the Samples repository.

Full disclosure: I am part of the team working on Quantum Development Kit.

  • $\begingroup$ Works like a charm! :) Not sure how I could miss that. (Will leave this open for a few more days, maybe someone else got a solution they want to share too) $\endgroup$
    – Fleeep
    Commented Aug 8, 2019 at 7:09

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