I have some basic questions around the theorem giving quantum error correction conditions that give necessary & sufficient conditions to have an error correcting operation.
The theorem is stated this way (page 436 of Nielsen & Chuang)
Let C be a quantum code, and let P be the projector onto C.
Suppose $E$ is a quantum operation with operation elements ${E_i}$.
A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an error-correction operation $R$ correcting $E$ on C is that $PE_i^{\dagger}E_jP = \alpha_{ij} P$, for some Hermitian matrix $\alpha$ of complex numbers.
We call the operation elements ${E_i}$ for the noise $E$ errors,and if such an $R$ exists we say that ${E_i}$ constitutes a correctable set of errors.
So said differently, we have a noise map that act as:
$$E(\rho) = \sum_i E_i(\rho) E_i^{\dagger}$$
And the theorem given the projector $P$ on the code space gives us relations that the noise Kraus operator must follow to ensure us we are able to correct the error.
My questions
Question about the theorem itself:
If I take the example of a 3 dimensional code space (the one for 3qb code). If I take the noise map allowing only single bit-flips, then the theorem will tell me that I can find a recovery operation.
But if I considered double or 3 bits-flip then the theorem would tell me it is not possible ? Because 3qb code can only correct single errors. Am I correct with this statement (I would like to avoid to do big calculations I want to see if I understand well the things).
Question about the proof
He does it in two steps : sufficient condition check and then necessary check. My question is for the sufficient condition.
Results he uses: He started to show that actually we can rewrite:
$$N(\rho)=\sum_i F_i \rho F_i^{\dagger} $$
With: $F_i=\sum_k u_{i,k} F_k$ where $u$ is the unitary matrix that diagonalise the matrix $\alpha$ in the statement of the theorem: $u^{\dagger}.\alpha.u=d$
He also says that there exist a unitary $U_k$ such that $F_k P= \sqrt{d_kk} U_k P$
My question
And then he says that $F_k$ acting on the code space changes the code space. The resulting code space has a projector:
$$P_k = U_k P U_k^{\dagger}$$
How was he able to find this ? I agree with the result. We indeed have:
$$\forall |\psi\rangle \in C, ~ P_k \left( F_k |\psi\rangle \right) = F_k |\psi\rangle$$
But how was he able to find that the projector was this one ??
Other question
He assumes in the proof that $E$ is not necesseraly trace-preserving: why not. But that $R$ is trace preserving. Why would we have $R$ trace preserving but not $E$ ?