I want to do a feedforward on a quantum circuit using the simulator of Qiskit.
For example, measure qubit_1 to bit 1 and do some operator on qubit_2 if the result of measuring qubit_1 is 0 and if the result is 0, then another operator. Then measure qubit 3 and do some operator on qubit_4 if the result of measuring qubit_3 is 1.
so far I know that I could use
QuantumCurcuit.operator(Quantumregister[index]).c_if(classicalRegister, value)
But the condition of c_if is depended on all value of all bit of classical register. I want to do feedforward depend on an individual bit just 0 or 1.
I think it is not the right way to solve the issue by adding another addition qubit to be $|0\rangle$ and project it on the classical bit. Just to reset that bit to 0 again this way.
So is there any way to reset the classical register?