Proposed experiments in achieving quantum supremacy, such as with BosonSampling or using random circuits, have been described as using a (not necessarily Turing complete) quantum computer to perform some sampling problem.
An example would be to sample the distribution of, say, $72$ qubits after application of, say, $1000$ random $2$-qubit gates.
Starting from the all-zeroes ket $\vert 000\cdots\rangle$ on $n$ qubits, a quantum computer would randomly draw from the output distribution after the application of some reasonably-sized unitary $U\vert 000\cdots\rangle$ (of, say, $m=O(n^2)$ gates).
Classically it is very unlikely that one could draw from the same distribution. It may take time $O(\exp(m\times n))$ to draw from this distribution
Because such sampling problems are not likely to be in $\mathcal{NP}$, approaches to validation of quantum supremacy experiments are being researched.
The HOG problem - heavy output generation - has been proposed as a test to validate quantum supremacy. Apparently the HOG test can be performed in time $O(\exp(n))$, which is much better than $O(\exp(m))$, and may be feasible for supercomputers.
But what, exactly, is this test? After a random unitary acts on the all-zeroes ket, the coefficients should be pointing in all different ways asunder - like a Brownian walk. The vast majority of outputs should have a low probability of occurrence, and would never be sampled (even if there are a large number of bases having a low probability $p_\epsilon$ of occurrence, if $p_\epsilon$ is small enough then no .)
How does the HOG test work? Is my understanding close to correct?
Some links on the characterization of sampling problems:
Aaronson - "Aspects of Certified Randomness from Quantum Supremacy" Powerpoint
Bouland, Fefferman, Nirkhe, Vazirani - "Quantum Supremacy and the Complexity of Random Circuit Sampling" - arxiv