In Nielsen and Chuang, in the Fidelity section, (Lemma 9.5, page 410 in the 2002 edition), they prove the following.
$$ \mathrm{tr}(AU) = |\mathrm{tr}(|A|VU)| = |\mathrm{tr}(|A|^{1/2}|A|^{1/2}VU)| $$ $$ |\mathrm{tr}(AU)| \leq \sqrt{\mathrm{tr}|A| \mathrm{tr}(U^{\dagger}V^{\dagger}|A|VU)} = \mathrm{tr}|A|$$
First, is $|A|$ the positive matrix in the polar decomposition of $A$? And second, apparently, the second equation comes from the first due to Cauchy Schwartz inequality of Hilbert-Schmidt.
How does the first expression lead to the second?