As was also pointed out in another answer, repeated applications of the Grover operator rotate the state closer to the target $\lvert\beta\rangle$ in the sense that the probability of finding the state in $\lvert\beta\rangle$ increases up to a certain point (or equivalently, the fidelity between the state and $\lvert\beta\rangle$ gets closer to one).
More precisely, you can see that this probability is, after $k$ iterations,
$$p^{(k)}_\beta\equiv \lvert\langle \beta\rvert G^k\lvert\psi\rangle\rvert^2=\sin^2\left(\frac{(2k+1)\theta}{2}\right).$$
Now, you start with the probability $p^{(0)}_\beta=\sin^2(\theta/2)$. This tells you how close the initial state is to the target.
In most basic introductions to Grover's algorithm, you have $\sin(\theta/2)=2^{-n/2}=1/\sqrt N$ with $n$ number of qubits or $N$ total dimension of the state space, so that $p_\beta^{(0)}=2^{-n}=1/N$. This is not really important for the discussion though so let us consider the general case with arbitrary $\theta$.
By definition, you know that $\sin(\theta/2)\le1$ (because the overlap of a state with another state can never exceed $1$), so that $\theta\le\pi$.
The question thus becomes: what is the smallest integer $k\ge0$ such that $(2k+1)\theta\sim\pi$?. More precisely, we are looking for the $k_0\in\mathbb N$ that minimises the difference between $(2k+1)\theta$ and $\pi$:
In other words, you are looking for the odd number $(2k+1)$ that is closer to $\pi/\theta$, which is the same as saying that you are looking for the non-negative integer $k_0$ that is closer to $\pi/2\theta-1/2$.
This number is
that is, the integer part of $\pi/2\theta$ ${}^\dagger$.
In summary, $p_\beta^{(k)}$ will keep increasing with $k$ for all $k\le k_0$, after which it reaches its maximum and will start decreasing again (note that you might have $k_0=0$, in which case Grover's algorithm is useless).
You might notice that the smaller the initial $\theta$ is, the more Grover's algorithm brings you closer to the target, but also the more steps will be needed to do that.
${}^\dagger$ To see this, write $\frac{\pi}{2\theta}=\left\lfloor\frac{\pi}{2\theta}\right\rfloor+r$, where $0\le r\le1$ is the decimal part of $\pi/2\theta$.
If $0\le r\le 1/2$, then
where $0\le r'\le 1/2$, and thus $\left\lfloor\frac{\pi}{2\theta}\right\rfloor$ is the closer integer.
If on the other hand $1/2\le r\le1$, then
for some $0\le r''\le1/2$. It follows that, again, the integer closest to $\pi/2\theta-1/2$ is $\left\lfloor\frac{\pi}{2\theta}\right\rfloor$.