What are some examples of measuring qubits in different basis states (it's known that preferable choices are the computation basis states $|0\rangle$, $|1\rangle$ and the Bell basis states $|+\rangle$, $|-\rangle$ on a two-qubit system)?
Context: I am an undergraduate sophomore working on quantum information with a professor so this isn't for a class. Over break, I was given the task of writing a Mathematica function that provides a numerical modeling procedure for measuring a qubit. The function's inputs are the quantum state, measurement basis, and which qubit to measure. The outputs of the function are the post-measurement state of the qubit, and what the outcome of the measurement is (being $|0\rangle$ or $|1\rangle$) by running a similar function to a density probability. That being said, I am still in the process of learning this material. Thank you.