I am trying to formulate the calculation of conditional min-entropy as a semidefinite program. However, so far I have not been able to do so. Different sources formulate it differently. For example, in this highly influential paper, it has been formulated as:
$$H_{\text{min}}(A|B)_\rho = - \underset{\sigma_B} {\text{inf}} \ D_{\infty}(\rho_{AB} \| id_A \otimes \sigma_B) $$ Where $$\rho_{AB} \in \mathcal{H_A \otimes H_B}, \sigma \in \mathcal{H_B}$$ and $$D_{\infty}(\tau \| \tau') = \text{inf} \{\lambda \in \mathbb{R}: \tau \leq 2^{\lambda} \tau' \}$$
How do I formulate it into a semidefinite program? It is possible as is mentioned in this lecture.
A possible SDP program is given in Watrous's lecture:
$$\text{maximize}: <\rho, X>$$ $$\text{subject to}$$ $$Tr_X{X} == \mathcal{1}_Y$$ $$X \in \text{Pos}(X \otimes Y)$$
How do I write it in CVX or any other optimization system?