In general, k-LH promise problem, where input is given as $<H, a, b>$, is QMA complete if $a-b>1/{\textrm{poly}(n)}$.
Also, if a guiding state (say, a "good" approximation to the ground state) for the Hamiltonian $H$ is provided, then there exists a BQP algorithm for the problem. Thus, assuming $BQP\neq QMA$ implies finding such a guiding state must be hard for some Hamiltonians.
There exist some heuristics that can be used to find such guiding states, such as the' Hartree-Fock method' (HFM). HFM is known to fail in finding the guiding state for some Hamiltonians.
My question: Is there a known characterization of the local Hamiltonians that guarantees it will have a good guiding state?