Let $C$ be a description of a quantum circuit on $n$ qubits with poly($n$) 2-local gates. The defining BQP-complete problem, APPROX-QCIRCUIT-PROB distinguishes two cases:
- $\langle 0 ... 0| C^\dagger P_{\lvert 1 \rangle} C|0...0 \rangle \geq \alpha$
- $\langle 0 ... 0| C^\dagger P_{\lvert 1 \rangle} C|0...0 \rangle \leq \beta$
for two numbers $\alpha, \beta \in (0,1), \alpha > \beta$ and $P_{\lvert 1 \rangle}$ projecting the first qubit onto $|1\rangle$.
I am wondering whether it is possible to easily shift the focus from a single qubit to a single bitstring and reduce the problem distinguishing
- $|\langle 0 ... 0| C|0...0 \rangle|^2 \geq \alpha$
- $|\langle 0 ... 0| C|0...0 \rangle|^2 \leq \beta$
to APPROX-QCIRCUIT-PROB. In other words, if we call the outcome in case 1 ($\alpha$-)certain and in case 2 ($\beta$)-uncertain is distinguishing a certain outcome from an uncertain outcome BQP-hard?
I would be fine with focusing on $1 - \alpha = \mathcal{O}(2^{-n})$ as well as $\beta = \mathcal{O}(2^{-n})$.