In dimension $d$, a POVM $\left\{M_i\right\}_i$ with $d^2$ outcomes consisting of linearly independent rank-1 elements is a minimal, informationally complete POVM. If we add the condition that the scalar products must satisfy: $$\mathrm{Tr}\left[M_iM_j\right]=\frac{1+d\delta_{i,j}}{d+1}$$ Then the POVM is called a SIC-POVM.
It is unknown whether SIC-POVM exist for all values of $d$. However, if we remove this symmetry assumption, do we know whether such "MIC-POVMs" exist in every dimension? What are examples of such POVMs?
I would assume they do, since they are the only extremal POVM with $d^2$ non-trivial elements, but I fail to see a general example that would work for any $d$.