A Hamiltonian $H$ is stoquastic in the standard basis if all the off-diagonal terms of the Hamiltonian are non-positive. If we choose $\beta$ small enough, all entries of $I-\beta H$ are non-negative. By the Perron-Frobenius Theorem, the eigenvector which corresponds to the largest eigenvalue (which is also the ground state of $H$) can be chosen to have non-negative entries. Suppose the ground state is unique ,and denote it as $|\psi\rangle =\sum_x \sqrt{p(x)}|x\rangle$. How to prove that the support of {$p(x)$} is connected on the boolean hypercube?
Support is the 𝑥 that 𝑝(𝑥)>0, connected means connected component in a graph (i.e there exist a path for every two points, in the boolean hypercube, there exist an edge between two points iff they differ in only one position).
The question is from Definition 28, Fact H.1. of this paper