I am a new learner in quantum error correction and I am curious about the motivation for simulating multiround syndrome extraction circuits of quantum error correction code.
The purpose for single round simulation of a quantum code is clear for me. My understanding is that, similar to classical code simulation, given a cordword of qubits, some errors may flip the codeword. We obtain the syndrome by multiply the parity check matrix of the codeword, then a decoder predict the error based on the syndrome. Under the circuit level consideration, the error probability of each qubit is different depending on the exact design of encoding and measurement circuit.
The multiround measurement simulation is that the "syndrome" is the parity change of measurement outcome in each round(called "detector event" in stabilizer circuits simulator Stim, or "error-sensitive event" in some papers). The "codeword" is the error mechanism occurring in the circuit ("detector error model" in Stim), and the "parity check matrix"(decoding graph) is the error mechanism that lead to change of detectors. Sometimes the simulation cares about logical observable or logical syndrome that lead to logical error of the code. For more information, refer to the papers 1, 2, 3.
My question is, while the single round simulation shows the ability of a code or a decoder, what is the purpose of multiround measurement simulation? Does it reflect something when operating the code in real quantum computer?