Confused about the action of the $CCZ$ gate on Pauli operators:
I understand the action of the $CZ$ gate: $$CZ: XI \rightarrow XX$$ $$CZ: IX \rightarrow IX$$ $$CZ: ZI \rightarrow ZI$$ $$CZ: IZ \rightarrow IZ$$ I have verified this by means of matrix multiplication. However, I then get confused when I see: $$CCZ: XII \rightarrow X(CZ)$$ $$CCZ: ZII \rightarrow ZII$$ (similar for acting on $X_{2}$, $X_{3}$, $Z_{2}$, $Z_{3}$).
I just don't understand the action of $CCZ$ on $XII$. Specifically, I don't understand the notation $X(CZ)$. At first I thought it was matrix multiplication but $X$ is $2 \times 2$ and $CZ$ is $4 \times 4$.
If anybody could help me understand what $X(CZ)$ is, that would be very helpful!