Is there a way to use a fake backend for ibm_brisbane?
I tried this but it is giving me the error that the backend is not present:
provider = FakeProvider()
backend = provider.get_backend('fake_brisbane')
Tried some of the suggestions from the below, but faced different issues with each:
Solution 1:
backend = provider.get_backend('ibm_brisbane')
backend_sim = qiskit_dynamics.DynamicsBackend.from_backend(backend, subsystem_list=[0,1,2,3])
from qiskit import transpile
circ = transpile(circuit, backend_sim)
job =, shots=4096, seed_simulator=12345)
TranspilerError: "Unable to translate the operations in the circuit: ['sx', 'measure', 'barrier', 'rz'] to the backend's (or manually specified) target basis: ['barrier', 'snapshot', 'measure']. This likely means the target basis is not universal or there are additional equivalence rules needed in the EquivalenceLibrary being used. For more details on this error see:"
Solution 2:
#Get the backend
backend = provider.get_backend('ibm_brisbane')
# transpile to backend
circ = transpile(circuit, backend=backend)
# create a simulator for backend
sim = AerSimulator().from_backend(backend)
# simulate and extract results
simulator_result =
simulator_counts = simulator_result.get_counts()
File c:\Users\Admin\.conda\envs\simuq\lib\site-packages\qiskit\transpiler\, in _replace_error.<locals>.wrapper(*meth_args, **meth_kwargs)
551 return meth(*meth_args, **meth_kwargs)
552 except PassManagerError as ex:
--> 553 raise TranspilerError(ex.message) from ex
TranspilerError: 'The input circuit None is not scheduled. Call one of scheduling passes before running the ConstrainedReschedule pass.'
Note: I verified that the circ object is not None and it has a valid list of 5 circuits