In his original article Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Prime Factorization and Discrete Logarithms on a Quantum Computer, Peter Shor constructed an algorithm for finding a period $r$ of the modular exponentiation $a^x \mod N$, where $N$ is factored number, $a$ is random integer such that $1 < a < N$ and $\gcd\{a,N\} = 1$. This period $r$ is then used in factoring of integer $N = pq$ via the greatest common divisor: $p,q = \gcd\{a^{r/2} \pm 1, N\}$. The period $r$ is found with quantum phase estimation. This is a short description of Shor's factorization algorithm.
In the article Circuit for Shor’s algorithm using 2n+3 qubits, Stéphane Beauregard provides an implementation of Shor's algorithm which is almost the same as the one described above with the exception that rather than a period of the modular exponentiation, a period of the function $(ax) \mod N$ (modular multiplication) is searched for. This is firstly discussed on pg. 2 in fig. 1, and then several other times in the article.
However, I failed to see how finding period of the modular exponentiation and the modular multiplication are equivalent problems. Could anyone shed more light on this?