
Suppose I create a circuit, which applies depolarizing error to a single qubit with probability 0.04.

circuit = stim.Circuit()

Now, I sample measurements as


Is it possible to track back which of the Pauli errors occurred during the sampling?


1 Answer 1


There's an open issue to add this to Stim, so no it doesn't exist.

At the moment, the closest you can get is to sample the detector error model using circuit.detector_error_model().compile_sample().sample(record_errors=True) then convert those errors into corresponding circuit errors using circuit.explain_detector_error_model_errors. The downside of this is that the dem error doesn't uniquely identify circuit errors; there are multiple possible ways to get the same symptoms. It's also just generally more steps and more complications than really needed.

Part of the reason this isn't a priority is because in actual experiments you don't get access to this information.


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