Let $A = \sum_{k} a_k U_k$ where $a_k$ are real, positive coefficients $U_k$ are unitary matrices. I have realized that $\sigma = A \rho A$ can be implemented on a quantum computer by using the LCU method where $\rho$ is a density matrix that I can prepare on a quantum computer. However, it seems like the normalization of this state may be wrong: $\text{tr}(\sigma) = \text{tr}(A \rho A)$ is not always equal to $1$ unless we divide $\sigma$ to $\text{tr}(\sigma)$ (think about $A$ being a projection operator onto some subspace $H$ and $\rho \notin H$).
To be more specific, this reference says that we can implement $\frac{A}{\lambda}\lvert \psi \rangle$ using LCU where $\lambda = \sum_k {a_k}$. However, consider $A = \frac{1}{2}(I + Z)$ and $\rho \notin \text{span}(\lvert {0} \rangle)$. Then, $A \rho A$ doesn't have trace $1$ (since $\lambda = 1$), so according to the reference, you're preparing an invalid density matrix. I should be missing something here. If anyone could help me to understand what I'm missing, and describe how to actually prepare $\frac{1}{\text{tr}(A\rho)}A \rho A$ where $A = \frac{1}{2}(I + Z)$ on a quantum computer using LCU, I would be much appreciated.