
On Aug 6 2018, Rigetti announced that they would release a 128-qubit chip within a year. They provided an update on Jan 24 2019, but there is no mention of further progress.

Other sources all mention Rigetti's "plans" to build a 128-qubit system (eg. HPCwire), but so far I cannot find any reliable evidence that they actually achieved it. Figures like this from Statista add to my confusion:

enter image description here

Does anyone have reliable evidence that Rigetti had achieved a 128 qubit chip in 2019-2023? If so, when did they announce it?

  • $\begingroup$ Relevant link, giving info on each of Rigetti's computers: rigetti.com/what-we-build Their most recent line has 80 qubits; with the most earliest coming online on Feb. 15, 2022. This is evidence that your question should be answered in the negative, but I won't do so since I don't know how complete this link is. $\endgroup$
    – jecado
    Commented Dec 14, 2023 at 21:16
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ thanks @jecado. I think the 128-qubit chip sounded more like a "pure research" project rather than a "commercial" offering like the chips shown on your link, rigetti.com/what-we-build $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 14, 2023 at 21:30


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