My research area is in quantum state transfer, and I am trying to perform a 'proof of principle' that requires the underlying Hamiltonians of quantum systems and the control I can have on these systems using pulse-level controls.
For example, for an IBMQ device, I can get the (approximate form of the) underlying Hamiltonian with the code:
from qiskit_ibm_provider import IBMProvider
from IPython.display import display, Math
prov = provider.backends(simulator=False) #list of providers I have access to
ham = prov[0].hamiltonian
Which gives the Hamiltonian of the form: $$H/\hbar = \sum_{(i,j)\in E}{J_{ij}(X_iX_j + Y_iY_j)} + \sum_i{B_iZ_i} + \sum_i{\Omega_i(t)X_i}\,.$$ Using pulse level control, we can control $X$ pulses. I am interested in how I can possibly access this kind of information for other systems such as (but not limited to) Rigetti.