My question is as follows: Suppose we have two entangled states, for example, a GHZ state where $|000\rangle$ and $|111\rangle$ are entangled Now, suppose the $|111\rangle$ state is entangled with another state, say $|110\rangle$ (correct me if I make wrong assumptions along the way, for example, concerning the states, however, I am asking for the general concept) Wouldn’t measuring one of the qubits tell us the state of the other two qubits, and by knowing the state of the other 2 qubits we now know the state of the 4th and 5th qubit?
How would we represent this mathematically if possible?
For context (e.g.: there are three entangled qubits and one of these qubits is entangled with another 2 $\to$ also, would that make them all entangled? )