Coherent information is the measure of quantum correlations. Positivity of coherent information indicates that quantum correlations are present. But this is not an iff relation.
Coherent information is denoted as
$$I(A\rangle B) = H(B) - H(AB) = -H(A|B)\,.$$
If $I(A\rangle B)$ quantity is positive then there is quantum entanglement between system $A$ and $B$.
The relation between mutual information and coherent information is as follows:
$$I(A;B) = H(A) + I(A\rangle B) = H(B) + I(B\rangle A)\,.$$
For example, consider $$\rho_{AB} = | \Phi_+ \rangle \langle \Phi_+|\,.$$
Where $| \Phi_+ \rangle$ is a bell state. You can see that
$$H(AB) =H(\rho_{AB})= 0$$
$$H(B)= H(\text{Tr}_A(\rho_{AB})
)= 1$$
$$H(A|B) = -1$$
Thus, entanglement is present between system $A$ and $B$.
TL;DR: Negative conditional entropy $H(A|B)$, i.e. Positive Coherent Information $I(A\rangle B)= -H(A|B)$ is a hallmark of quantum correlations - that is, of entanglement!