I'm working with pennylane. My goal is to plot CFI(Classical Fisher Information)with following quantum state.
With the above equation I set gamma as 0. Then It becomes:
If gamma is not equal to zero, it needs to be normalized like: sqrt(coeff_0_state^2 + coeff_1_state^2)
So, I expect to get following plot.
The red line is the correct result when gamma = 0
With the following code:
import pennylane as qml
import scipy as sp
from pennylane import numpy as np
from pennylane import math as m
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Variable for plot
N = 1000
tau_CFI = np.linspace(-0.001, 3.0, N)
# == Generate coeff ==
def With_norm(theta, gamma):
coeff = np.array([ ((1+np.exp(-1.j * theta))/2) * (np.sqrt(1-gamma)) , (1-np.exp(-1.j * theta))/2 ]) / (1-gamma * (np.cos(theta)**2) )
norm = np.linalg.norm(coeff)
# norm_sp = sp.linalg.norm(coeff)
# norm_new = qml.math.sqrt(qml.math.real(coeff[0])**2 + qml.math.imag(coeff[0])**2 + qml.math.real(coeff[1])**2 + qml.math.imag(coeff[1])**2)
# print(norm_new == norm)
# return norm
return coeff / norm
def Without_norm(theta):
gamma = 0
coeff = np.array([ ((1+np.exp(-1.j * theta))/2) * (np.sqrt(1-gamma)) , (1-np.exp(-1.j * theta))/2 ]) / (1-gamma * (np.cos(theta)**2) )
norm_new = qml.math.sqrt(qml.math.real(coeff[0])**2 + qml.math.imag(coeff[0])**2 + qml.math.real(coeff[1])**2 + qml.math.imag(coeff[1])**2)
# norm = np.linalg.norm(coeff)
norm = 1
return coeff / norm
# With_norm(np.pi,0)
# == Generate Q_node ==
dev_with_norm = qml.device('default.qubit', wires = 1)
def circuit_with_norm(theta):
qml.QubitStateVector(With_norm(theta, 0), wires=range(1))
return qml.probs()
# return qml.density_matrix(wires=0)
dev_without = qml.device('default.qubit', wires = 1)
def circuit_without(theta):
qml.QubitStateVector(Without_norm(theta), wires=range(1))
return qml.probs()
# return qml.density_matrix(wires=0)
# circuit_without(np.pi/2)
# == Compare with CFI plot ==
N = 1000
tau_CFI = np.linspace(-0.001, 3.0, N)
CFI_without = np.zeros(N)
CFI_with = np.zeros(N)
for i in range(len(tau_CFI)):
CFI_with[i] = qml.qinfo.classical_fisher(circuit_with_norm)(tau_CFI[i])
CFI_without[i] = qml.qinfo.classical_fisher(circuit_without)(tau_CFI[i])
plt.plot(tau_CFI, CFI_with)
plt.title('With normalized')
# plt.legend()
print('== print out CFI ==')
plt.plot(tau_CFI, CFI_without)
plt.title('Without normalized')
'With_normalized' I calculate the state vector coefficient with 'np.linalg.norm' for normalization. And 'Without_normalized' I normalized the coefficient just by dividing with constant 1.
Since gamma = 0 they should be made the same result. But I don't know why the result of the CFI which is normalized by 'np.linalg.norm' shows different.(It should be constant 1)
Thanks in advance.
case? Looks like there is a problem in tracing the gradient throughnp.linalg.norm
. $\endgroup$