Background: There is a single qubit quantum gate of the form $$ \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\begin{pmatrix} 1 & -i \\ 1 & i \end{pmatrix}. $$ As far as I know, this was originally introduced as the $T$ gate in Gottesman's thesis (see equation A.5). In the authors call a similar version of this gate the $T$ gate.
However, as we know, this eventually fell out of favor since the $T$ gate almost universally means the $\pi/8$ rotation gate (i.e., $T = S^{1/2} = Z^{1/4}$).
Question: Since $T$ is off limits, what should we call this gate? Or does this gate already have a very standard name that isn't $T$?
Things to consider:
In the authors call this the $M_3$ gate (they seem to claim Gottesman calls it that in his thesis but I am not sure I can find where he calls it anything other than $T$?).
In our recent paper we call it the $M$ gate but admittedly I am asking this question specifically because I think that is a poor name (for starters it literally doesn't stand for anything related to any of its properties).
In the author cites Craig Gidney's stim python package and calls this (and the ones like it) the "axis-cycling gates". The name used is $C$ but I personally am not a fan since this usually denotes the Clifford group or Clifford hierarchy (or even the two qubit canonical gates).
There is a twitter post where some other choices are listed. One choice therein seems to be: ``face" gates denoted by $F$ since this gate always maps the faces of a octahedron to another face.
My thoughts: I personally think ``axis cycling gates" above is pretty descriptive since there are $16$ of these in total and each is defined by their conjugation action: cycling the axes up to a factor of $-1$. The gate above is sort of the canonical version as it acts as $X \to Y$, $Y \to Z$, and $Z \to X$. Maybe $A$ would be a good name?
Another property we point out in our above paper is this gate's importance to the binary tetrahedral group $2T$. In particular, $2T$ contains the the $8$ element Pauli group (from $SU(2)$) and the 16 axis cycling gates and that's it. In other words, the (special) Paulis plus the above gate generate $2T$. However, the obvious choice of name $T$ is out but maybe there is some other letter/notation related to this property.
Edit (7/26/23) In the 3rd version of our paper, we ended up going with $F$ for this gate and calling it the "facet" gate. This was inspired by what Mark said below, however, "face" and "phase" are near-homophones and so we thought facet made more sense (besides it is technically more accurate). This coincides with a comment made by Markus Heinrich in this question. Compare with figure 3 here.