The quantum conditional min-entropy is defined as
$$H_{\min}(A|B) = - \inf\limits_{\sigma_B} D_{\max} \left( \rho_{AB} \parallel I_A \otimes \sigma_B \right)$$ where in general $$D_{\max}(\rho \parallel \sigma) = \inf \{ \lambda : \rho \leq 2^\lambda \sigma \}$$
I am trying to understand why there is a negative sign in the definition of $H_{\min}(A|B)$. My hunch is that $D_{\max}(\rho \parallel I_A \otimes \sigma_B) = \inf \{ \lambda : \rho \leq 2^\lambda I_A \otimes \sigma_B \}$ is a number between $0$ and $1$, and since $\log$ function is involved, we take the negative at the end, because $0 < \log(x) < 1$ when $x<1$. I would like to come up with a more rigorous argument, and I could not come up with a proof.
Is it true that $0 < D_{\max}(\rho \parallel I_A \otimes \sigma_B) < 1$?