Given two pure quantum state $\rho=|\psi_\rho\rangle\langle\psi_\rho\mid$ and $\sigma=\mid\psi_\sigma\rangle\langle\psi_\sigma\mid$ ($\rho\neq\sigma$). We know that the fidelity between quantum states reduces to a closed form expression i.e., the squared overlap between the states: $$F(\rho,\sigma)=\operatorname{Tr}\left(\sqrt{\sqrt{\rho}\sigma\sqrt{\rho}}\right)^2=|\langle\psi_\rho|\psi_\sigma\rangle|^2.$$
Does the Quantum Relative Entropy (QRS) also reduce to a closed-form expression? The QRS for $\rho\neq\sigma$ is given by $$ S(\rho\|\sigma)=-\operatorname{Tr}(\rho\log\sigma)-S(\rho) $$ Where $S(\rho)$ is the Von Neumann entropy of $\rho$ and it is equal to zero as $\rho$ is pure. So for $\rho\neq\sigma$ the above expression is non vanishing. Is there a way to express this in terms of the overlap between the states?