I'd like to retrieve from IonQ QPU provided by Azure the per-shot measurements.
Azure recommends the results are retrieved via Qiskit.
The standard Qiskit command for that is: shots_mem_list=job.result().get_memory(0)
which will deliver a list of bit-strings: ['101011', '101111', '000100', '111100',...]
But to make it work the job needs to be submitted to the backend with 2 additional flags: meas_level=2 and memory=True.
backend.run(circ, count=100, meas_level=2, memory=True)
However, Azure is ignoring meas_level flag:
meas_level is not a known attribute of class <class 'azure.quantum._client.models._models_py3.JobDetails'> and will be ignored
As a consequence Qiskit result.get_memory(0) command produces an error:
qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError: 'No memory for experiment "0". Please verify that you either ran a measurement level 2 job with the memory flag set, eg., "memory=True", or a measurement level 0/1 job.'
Is it possible to invoke azure.quantum.backend with meas_level=2 argument to be passed to the backend?