I'm coming across some confusion in chapter 10.1.1 of Nielsen and Chaung. In terms of the 'recovery' procedure, how can the result of the syndrome measurement be 0, 2 or 3?
I am assuming that, for example, if the state is $a|010\rangle$ + $b|101\rangle$ (bit flip on the second qubit), then will we not see that $\langle\psi|P_2|\psi\rangle = 1$ and the rest of the projection operators will give a syndrome measurement of 0 (i.e $\langle\psi|P_1|\psi\rangle = 0$)? From this example, and working through the rest in the same manner, I am struggling to see where/how an error syndrome of 2 will be measured.
I hope my current working makes sense!