I'm a beginner in quantum computing and this question has been bugging me for quite some time. I have seen in various articles that a qubit is a device whose state can be represented by a unit vector in a 2-dimensional "complex" vector space. That is $|\Psi> = a_1 |0> + a_2 |1>$ where $a_1$ and $a_2$ are complex numbers that can be represented as $a_1 = r_1 e^{i\Phi_1}$ where $r_1$ the amplitude of the complex number $a_1$, it represents the square root of the probability of the qubit to be in "state 1" on measurement.
But what confuses me is that what does the phase of $a_1$, $\Phi_1$ represent about the "state 1". Does it even represent anything with respect to "state 1"? Or does the qubit just have a global phase (is it the phase difference between the coefficients? ) which has nothing to do with state |0> or |1> individually?