I'm currently doing some work in Quantum Optics and now have a question about the transition dipole moment.
We were told in class that the off-diagonal elements of this matrix, namely $\langle n|d|m\rangle$, gives us information about allowed and forbidden transitions of our defined system. For example if $$\langle 1|d|2\rangle\neq 0$$ then we could say that transitions from $|1\rangle$ to $|2\rangle$ and vice versa are possible.
In my work I've now come across a transition dipole moment for the Hamiltonian of a RF-SQUID qubit with a bias flux of $\Phi = \Phi_0/0.4$ which looks like the following
I have some trouble interpreting the diagonal elements of this matrix since a transition from $|1\rangle$ to $|1\rangle$ for example doesn't make much sense to me. I'm kind of more used to matrices of this kind where the diagonal elements are all zero, for example the Harmonic oscillator. Would really appreciate it if someone could shed some light on this.