I'm looking at cross-entropy benchmarks and there's much that I'm reading at the moment but I'm stuck on one detail: how to derive the linear cross-entropy formula from the cross-entropy formula.
The cross-entropy of probability densities $p(x)$ and $q(x)$ over $D=2^N$ possible values of $x\in \{0,1\}^N$ is given by
$$ -\sum^D q(x) \log p(x) $$
I took the linearization of the log function $\log (x) = x-1$ in an attempt to get the linear cross entropy (following the derivation of Linear entropy). As the linearization, I obtain
$$ -\sum^D q(x) (p(x) -1) = 1 -\sum^D q(x) p(x) $$
In both "Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor" and "Limitations of Linear Cross-Entropy as a Measure for Quantum Advantage" [arXiv:2112.01657] the linear cross-entropy is given as
$$D\sum_{x}^{D} q(x) p(x) -1$$
I have no idea why my sign is off and where the pre-factor of $D$ comes from. I can recover the linear XEB formula if $\log(p(x))\approx 1-D p(x)$. However, I don't know how I can get the factor of $D$ to appear in any sensible approximation.
I tested some numerics and the XE and the linear XE do not appear to follow the same trends. I did an interpolation from $q_{s=0} = p$ to $q_{s=1}=unif$ in five steps and found that the XE increases as $q$ is further from $p$ while the linear XEB decreases to zero as $q$ approaches the uniform distribution. I think this is correct but I'm lost on the intuition/understanding of how the XE and linear XE are connected.
import numpy as np
#fix seed
#from Google notation
#print("Randomly choosen \ket p in basis \e")
#distro p
p = np.random.rand(D)
p = p / sum(p)
#distro q_s = (1-s) \ket p + s \ket Delta
Delta = np.random.rand(D)
Delta = Delta / sum(Delta)
peaked = np.zeros(D)
peaked[np.random.randint(D)] =1.0
unif = np.ones(D)
unif = unif / sum(unif)
def getq(s,qmax=unif):
"""get q for a given mixing parameter s"""
if s>1:
if s<0:
return (1-s) * p + (s) * qmax
def xel(p,q):
"""linear cross entropy of two distributions"""
for k in range(len(p)):
S= S + (p[k] * q[k])
return D*S -1
def xe(p,q):
"""cross entropy"""
for k in range(len(p)):
if q[k]==0:
S = S - q[k] * np.log(p[k])
return S
def S(p):
""" Entropy of probability density vector """
for k in range(len(p)):
if p[k]==0:
S = S - p[k]* np.log(p[k])
return S
def purity(p):
""" linear entropy """
S = 0
for k in range(len(p)):
S = S + p[k]*(p[k]-1)
return S
print("Entropy of \ket p", S(p))
print("Purity of \ket p",purity(p))
print(" ")
print("Entropy of \ket q_max",S(getq(1,qmax)))
print("Purity of \ket q_max",purity(getq(1)))
print(" ")
print("purity max", purity(unif))
svals = np.linspace(0,1,5)
for s in svals:
print(" s=",s)
q= getq(s,qmax)
print(" ")
s | xel_pq | xe_pq |
0.0 | 0.3448222395967324 | 6.734095320988952 |
0.25 | 0.25861667969755 | 6.860293267333703 |
0.5 | 0.17241111979836532 | 6.9864912136784465 |
0.75 | 0.08620555989918333 | 7.112689160023204 |
1.0 | 1.9984014443252818e-15 | 7.238887106367953 |