In Ref. [1] absolutely maximally entangled (AME) states are defined as:
An $\textrm{AME}(n,d)$ state (absolutely maximally entangled state) of $n$ qudits of dimension $d$, $|\psi\rangle \in \mathbb{C}^{\otimes n}_d$, is a pure state for which every bipartition of the system into the sets $B$ and $A$, with $m = |B| \leq |A| = n − m$, is strictly maximally entangled such that $$ S(\rho_B) = m \log_2 d. $$
As the name would have you believe, does this mean that an $\textrm{AME}(n,d)$ state is maximally entangled across all entanglement monotones (for fixed $n$ and $d$)?
[1]: Helwig, Wolfram, et al. "Absolute maximal entanglement and quantum secret sharing." Physical Review A 86.5 (2012): 052335.