In (Wiseman 2012), the author mentions (equation (4), page 6), that a state $\rho$ has zero quantum discord (more precisely, zero Alice-discord) if and only if it can be written in the form $$\rho = \sum_j p_j \pi_j\otimes \rho_j,$$ for some probability distribution $p_j$, some collection of orthogonal projections $\{\pi_j\}_j$ on Alice's system, and some collection of states $\rho_j$ on Bob's system.
By "Alice-discord" I mean here the discord with respect to measurements performed by Alice (the first system). More precisely, the discord is defined here $$\delta_A(\rho) =I(\rho) - \max_{\{\Pi^A_j\}} J_{\{\Pi^A_j\}}(\rho) = S(\rho_A) - S(\rho) + \min_{\{\Pi^A_j\}} S(\rho_{B|\{\Pi^A_j\}}),$$ where $I$ and $J$ are the two classically equivalent forms of the mutual information, and the maximisation and minimisations are performed with respect to possible measurements performed by Alice.
The author mentions this as "well known" and does not provide a reference. Is there an easy way to see why this is the case? Alternatively, what is a reference discussing this fact?