When I downloaded the source code from Qiskit Notebook Accessing Higher Energy States and tried to execute it, the output and graph seem wrong in the step finding the frequency step which leads to the failure of other parts. I have tried to update the library "Sample Pulse" to the new library "Waveform". However, the output is still incorrect. I think the data given for IBM-Armonk is out of date. Does anyone know what is the problem?
Basically, I can not find the correct output when executing the code to find Rabi Oscillations. Here the code
num_rabi_points = 50 # number of experiments (ie amplitudes to sweep out)
# Drive amplitude values to iterate over: 50 amplitudes evenly spaced from 0 to 0.75
drive_amp_min = 0
drive_amp_max = 0.75
drive_amps = np.linspace(drive_amp_min, drive_amp_max, num_rabi_points)
# Create schedule
rabi_01_schedules = []
# loop over all drive amplitudes
for ii, drive_amp in enumerate(drive_amps):
# drive pulse
rabi_01_pulse = pulse_lib.gaussian(duration=drive_samples,
name='rabi_01_pulse_%d' % ii)
# add commands to schedule
schedule = pulse.Schedule(name='Rabi Experiment at drive amp = %s' % drive_amp)
schedule |= pulse.Play(rabi_01_pulse, drive_chan)
schedule |= measure << schedule.duration # shift measurement to after drive pulse
# Assemble the schedules into a program
# Note: We drive at the calibrated frequency.
rabi_01_expt_program = assemble(rabi_01_schedules,
schedule_los=[{drive_chan: cal_qubit_freq}]
* num_rabi_points)