
A quantum circuit can be visualized in Qiskit with circuit.draw. A drawing style can be set with parameter output which can have values mpl, text or latex (e.g circuit.draw(output='mpl')).

I am wondering if there is a way to use the same symbols and colors as in IBM Quantum composer since none of the above allow me to do so.


3 Answers 3


The IBM circuit composer used to be also known as IBM Quantum Experience, or IQX for short. For those historical reasons, the name of the style is iqx:

from qiskit import *
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
circuit.cx(0, 1)
circuit.draw('mpl', style='iqx')

draw output

Compare with the composer look:

enter image description here


That’s possible, just do

circuit.draw('mpl', style='iqx')

For those that are searching for the dark style:

circuit.draw('mpl', style='iqx-dark')

I also refer to the link that explains how one can set the style argument.


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