Consider the XQUATH conjectures, as defined here (, Definition 1).
(XQUATH, or Linear Cross-Entropy Quantum Threshold Assumption). There is no polynomial-time classical algorithm that takes as input a quantum circuit $C \leftarrow D$ and produces an estimate $p$ of $p_0$ = Pr[C outputs $|0^{n}\rangle$] such that \begin{equation} E[(p_0 − p)^{2}] = E[(p_0 − 2^{−n})^{2}] − Ω(2^{−3n}) \end{equation} where the expectations are taken over circuits $C$ as well as the algorithm’s internal randomness.
Here, $D$ is any distribution "over circuits on $n$ qubits that is unaffected by appending NOT gates to any subset of the qubits at the end of the circuit." For the purposes of our discussion, we can assume the circuit $C$ to be a particular Haar random unitary.
So, we believe the task mentioned in XQUATH is hard for classical computers. But how hard is the task for quantum computers? If it is easy for quantum computers, what is the algorithm?
A trivial algorithm I can think of just runs the quantum circuit many times, samples from the output distribution of the circuit each time, and then computes the frequency of observing $|0^{n}\rangle$. But what is the guarantee that this procedure will give us an additive error estimate robust enough to meet the condition of XQUATH?