I am learning the basics of quantum computing using Qiskit and I encountered a problem when I tried to solve some of our course exercises. I feel like I am missing an invisible step, the step from mathematical notation to the quantum circuit.
I am familiar with the Dirac notation and the matrices of the quantum gates, and how they transform the inputs. I can understand for instance how to achieve the effect of a Toffoli gate while only using two-qubit gates. However the problem arises when I try to encode a mathematical transformation into quantum gates. Let's start simple:
When I first learned about a CNOT gate I understood the effect, and therefore the conclusion that it was the quantum version of XOR did not surprise me that much. It just seemed a handy side-effect. Hence I can encode $$|y⟩_1|x⟩_0→|x⊕y⟩_1|x⟩_0$$ by a CNOT gate.
qc = QuantumCircuit(q)
Then I got an exercise to build a half adder: $$|z⟩_2|y⟩_1|x⟩_0→|z⊕xy⟩_2|x⊕y⟩_1|x⟩_0$$ This confused me a lot because I do not now how to encode the AND part. Hence even this $$|z⟩_2|y⟩_1|x⟩_0→|xy⟩_2|y⟩_1|x⟩_0$$ I would not know. Luckily the book walks over the 'adding' part of the half-adder, which is when I learned that a Toffoli gate would do the job.
qc = QuantumCircuit(3)
qc.ccx(0, 1, 2)
qc.cx(0, 1)
I hope you can see the step I am missing: I know 'tricks' for some solutions, but I don't know how to encode a general mathematical transformation. Hence I was baffled when I was asked about unitary function encoding, and to encode the following,
$$U:|y⟩|x⟩↦|f(x)+y \mod 2^m⟩|x⟩$$
where $f$ is an arbitrary boolean function $f:\{0,1\}^n↦\{0,1\}^m$. I had NO clue how to approach this.
Therefore my question is the following. How do I encode an arbitrary mathematical expression like I have given above to a quantum circuit? Most importantly: What are the general steps you take when you approach a problem like this? Right now this might seem like simple questions, but I need to understand this to be able to solve the (to me) much harder questions later in the book.
If anything is unclear I am happy to clarify.