Reading Nielsen and Chuang, I am under the impression that a linear operator on the tensor product can be written in two ways:
\begin{equation} (\left|a\right> \otimes \left|b\right>)(\left<c\right| \otimes \left<d\right|) = \left|a\right>\left<c\right| \otimes \left|b\right>\left<d\right| \end{equation}
As if I take a vector $\left|e\right> \otimes \left|f\right>$ from a tensor product and apply the operator, I get in the first case:
\begin{align} (\left|a\right> \otimes \left|b\right>)(\left<c\right| \otimes \left<d\right|) (\left|e\right> \otimes \left|f\right>) =& (\left|a\right> \otimes \left|b\right>) \left<c|e\right> \left<d|f\right>\\ =& \left<c|e\right> \left<d|f\right> \left|a\right> \otimes \left|b\right> \end{align}
And, in the second case,
\begin{align} (\left|a\right>\left<c\right| \otimes \left|b\right>\left<d\right|) (\left|e\right> \otimes \left|f\right>) =& \left|a\right>\left<c|e\right> \otimes \left|b\right>\left<d|f\right> \\ =& \left<c|e\right> \left<d|f\right> \left|a\right> \otimes \left|b\right> \end{align}
In the first case, I consider an operator on the tensor product, and in the second case, a tensor product of operators. Are the two equivalent ? All state vectors considered are arbitrary.