In quantum fingerprinting, the states are sent to a 3rd party in order to verify if both qubits match or not. To do so, a swap test is needed by the 3rd party.
I read some information on swap test including this link here and I noticed that the probability of cswap test is:
If $|\phi _{x}\rangle =\ |\phi _{y}\rangle$ then we observe a 0 with $prob(0) = 1$ according to wikipedia.
So I was wondering what are the probabilities of a false positive and false negative in quantum fingerprinting?
According to what I saw I'm guessing:
- Probability to get a false positive (a 0 even if both states don't match) is 1 - P(getting 0) so it's 0?
- Probability of getting a false negative (a 1 even if both states match) is 1/2?
But I'm not sure if my conclusion is correct, could someone please confirm this and give some explanation?